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SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentEdit Event

Occurs when an end-user tries to edit an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentEdit property is set to Custom.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public event AppointmentOperationEventHandler AllowAppointmentEdit

Event Data

The AllowAppointmentEdit event's data class is AppointmentOperationEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Allow Gets or sets a value indicating whether an end-user is allowed to perform a particular action.
Appointment Gets the appointment for which the event was raised. Inherited from AppointmentEventArgs.
Recurring Gets or sets a value indicating if the appointment is recurring.


Handle the AllowAppointmentEdit event to manually decide whether to allow an end-user to edit an appointment or not. Note that the appointment to edit can be accessed via the AppointmentEventArgs.Appointment property. To prevent an appointment from being edited, set the AppointmentOperationEventArgs.Allow property to false.


The AllowAppointmentEdit event is fired only if the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentEdit property is set to UsedAppointmentType.Custom.


This example demonstrates how to implement custom rules for editing and deleting appointments. The code below allows an appointment to be edited only by its owner (the end-user who created it). To do this it’s necessary to set the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentEdit and SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDelete properties to UsedAppointmentType.Custom, and handle the SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentEdit and SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentDelete events to implement custom logic for editing appointments.

using DevExpress.XtraScheduler;
// ...

private void schedulerControl1_AllowAppointmentDelete(object sender, 
    AppointmentOperationEventArgs e) {
   // Allow only the user who created this appontment to delete it.
   e.Allow = CanUserModifyThisAppointment(e.Appointment);
private void schedulerControl1_AllowAppointmentEdit(object sender, 
    AppointmentOperationEventArgs e) {
   // Allow only the user who created this appontment to modify it.
   e.Allow = CanUserModifyThisAppointment(e.Appointment);
// Determine if the current user is the same 
// as the one who created the specified appointment 
bool CanUserModifyThisAppointment(Appointment apt) {
   object obj = apt.CustomFields["Owner"];
   if (obj == null)
      return true;
   string appointmentOwner = obj.ToString();
   if (appointmentOwner == String.Empty)
      return true;
   return (String.Compare(appointmentOwner, tbUserName.Text, true) == 0);
See Also