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Measurements.InsertPoint(MapRuler, CoordPoint, Int32) Method

Inserts a new point in the ruler.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map


public void InsertPoint(
    MapRuler ruler,
    CoordPoint point,
    int index


Name Type Description
ruler MapRuler

A ruler to which to add a point.

point CoordPoint

A new ruler point.

index Int32

A new ruler point index.


If a ruler already contains a point with the specified index, this existing point and all subsequent points increase in increments of one (1). A new point is added with the specified index.

The following code adds a point with Berlin coordinates to the ruler:

MapRuler ruler = mapControl1.Measurements.CreateRuler(RulerType.Distance,
                                                        new List<CoordPoint>() {
                                                            new GeoPoint(48.864716, 2.349014),   // Paris
                                                            new GeoPoint(45.46427, 9.18951),     // Milan
                                                            new GeoPoint(48.20849, 16.37208) }); // Vienna
mapControl1.Measurements.InsertPoint(ruler, new GeoPoint(52.520008, 13.404954), 2); // Berlin

Add Point to Map Ruler

See Also