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BaseEdit.IsNotLoadedValue(Object) Method

Gets whether the specified value is the “Non-loaded Value”. This property is in effect when asynchronous data binding is used.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public static bool IsNotLoadedValue(
    object value


Name Type Description
value Object

A value to be tested.


Type Description

true if the specified value is the “Non-loaded Value”; otherwise, false.


During async data loading operations, editors (cells in container editors) may contain invalid values (for instance, if data hasn’t been loaded yet). In this instance, reading the editor’s (or cell’s) value will return a static object (“Non-loaded Value”), that tells you that the editor’s data hasn’t been loaded yet. You can check whether the returned value matches the static “Non-loaded Value” by calling the IsNotLoadedValue method.

See Also