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TileNavPaneDropDownOptions.CloseOnOuterClick Property

Gets or sets whether the opened drop-down tile bar closes on light dismiss.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public DefaultBoolean CloseOnOuterClick { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
DefaultBoolean Default

A DefaultBoolean enumeration value specifying whether the opened drop-down tile bar closes on light dismiss.

Available values:

Name Description Return Value

The value is true.



The value is false.



The value is specified by a global option or a higher-level object.


Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Object Type Path to CloseOnOuterClick
.OptionsDropDown .CloseOnOuterClick
.OptionsPrimaryDropDown .CloseOnOuterClick


By default, the opened drop-down tile bar is dismissed if an end-user clicks a navigation element in this drop-down or in the nav bar. It is also dismissed if a user resumes interaction with the application anywhere outside the TileNavPane (performs a click anywhere outside the TileNavPane). This behavior is called light dismiss. To prevent the drop-down tile bar from being closed, set the CloseOnOuterClick property to False. In this case, the drop-down tile bar closes only if an end-user clicks a navigation element in the TileNavPane.

The Default value assigned to the TileNavPane.OptionsPrimaryDropDown.CloseOnOuterClick property is equivalent to True.

The Default value assigned to the TileNavElement.OptionsDropDown.CloseOnOuterClick property means that the close behavior of the drop-down tile bar associated with this TileNavElement is controlled by the TileNavPane.OptionsPrimaryDropDown.CloseOnOuterClick property.

The CloseOnOuterClick property is not in effect for the secondary drop-down tile bar.

See Also