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BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel Members

Contains look and feel settings for the controls/components that are managed by a BarAndDockingController.


Name Description
BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel(Object, UserLookAndFeel) Initializes a new instance of the BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel class with the specified settings.
BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel(Object) Initializes a new instance of the BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel class with the specified owner.


Name Description
DefaultSkinName static Gets the name of the default skin style. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.


Name Description
ActiveLookAndFeel Gets the actual UserLookAndFeel object currently applied. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ActiveSkinName Gets the name of the currently applied skin. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ActiveStyle Gets the style currently applied. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ActiveSvgPaletteName Returns the name of the currently applied swatch. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ColorScheme Gets or sets the color scheme of a Ribbon that utilizes this BarAndDockingControllerLookAndFeel.
CompactUIMode This method supports internal infrastructure and is not intended for use in code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
CompactUIModeForced Returns whether the application is currently in Compact UI Mode. The return value depends on both the WindowsFormsSettings.CompactUIMode property and the currently applied skin (for instance, the WXI Compact skin forces the Compact UI Mode). Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
Default static Gets the Default LookAndFeel object to use for controls when the UserLookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel property is set to true. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
FormTouchScaleFactor Gets or sets the scale factor used to calculate the size and distance between specific control elements when touch UI mode is enabled.
FormTouchUIMode Gets or sets whether the touch UI mode is enabled for the controls managed by the current BarAndDockingController.
IsColorized Gets whether the UserLookAndFeel.SkinMaskColor or UserLookAndFeel.SkinMaskColor2 property is specified for the current UserLookAndFeel object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
IsLookAndFeelHierarchyRoot This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
OwnerControl Gets the control that owns the current UserLookAndFeel object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
Painter Gets the painter based on the style currently applied for drawing control’s elements. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ParentLookAndFeel Gets or sets the parent LookAndFeel. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SkinMaskColor Gets or sets a custom hue applied to some skin elements. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SkinMaskColor2 Gets or sets the second custom hue, typically applied to some skin elements when they are highlighted/hovered. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SkinName Gets or sets the name of a skin style. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
Style Gets or sets the style of the current UserLookAndFeel object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
TouchUIParent This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
UseDefaultLookAndFeel Gets or sets whether the current object’s settings are in effect. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
UseWindows7Border Gets or sets whether borders of TextEdit controls are painted in the same manner as borders of standard text editors built into Microsoft Windows 7. This property is in effect if the current OS is Windows 7 and the DevExpress XP paint theme is applied. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
UseWindowsXPTheme Gets or sets whether controls should be painted using the native Windows theme. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.


Name Description
Assign(UserLookAndFeel) Copies all settings from a target UserLookAndFeel object to this UserLookAndFeel instance.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the current object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ForceCompactUIMode(Boolean, Boolean) static This method is not intended to be used in code. Use the WindowsFormsSettings.CompactUIMode property instead to switch between regular and compact UI modes. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetColorSchemeName(RibbonControlColorScheme) static Returns the color scheme name.
GetCompactScaleFactor() This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetCompactScaleFactor(String) static Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetCompactUI() This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIsSpaciousSkin() For internal use. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetMaskColor() Gets the actual value of the UserLookAndFeel.SkinMaskColor setting for the current UserLookAndFeel object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetMaskColor2() Gets the actual value of the UserLookAndFeel.SkinMaskColor2 setting for the current UserLookAndFeel object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetSpaciousScaleFactor() For internal use. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
GetTouchScaleFactor() Gets the actual touch UI scale factor for controls managed by the current BarAndDockingController.
GetTouchUI() Gets the actual availability of touch UI mode for controls managed by the current BarAndDockingController.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsEquals(UserLookAndFeel) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RegisterEventRecord<T>() static Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
Reset() Reverts the look and feel settings to their default values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ResetParentLookAndFeel() Sets the UserLookAndFeel.ParentLookAndFeel property to its default value. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetDefaultStyle() Applies the default look and feel settings to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetFlatStyle() Applies the Flat style to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetOffice2003Style() Applies the Office2003 style to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(SkinStyle) Applies the desired DevExpress skin to the application. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(SkinSvgPalette) Applies the specified skin and palette. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(String, TouchUIMode) Obsolete. This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(String, Boolean) Obsolete. This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(String, String) Applies the specified skin and palette. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetSkinStyle(String) Applies the specified skin. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(ILookAndFeelService, String) For internal use. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(ILookAndFeelService) This method supports internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used in code. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String, TouchUIMode, Single) Obsolete. Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String, TouchUIMode) Obsolete. Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean, Single) Obsolete. Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String, String) Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean, String) Sets the look and feel settings of the current object to the specified values. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle(LookAndFeelStyle, Boolean, Boolean) Sets the look and feel settings of the current object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetStyle3D() Applies the Style3D style to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetUltraFlatStyle() Applies the UltraFlat style to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
SetWindowsXPStyle() Applies the WindowsXP style to a control. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ShouldSerialize() Tests whether the UserLookAndFeel object should be persisted. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
ToString() Returns the text representation of the current object. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
UpdateStyleSettings() Notifies controls that look-and-feel settings have been changed and the controls need to be refreshed. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.


Name Description
StyleChanged Occurs on changing properties of the current UserLookAndFeel object or the parent LookAndFeel specified by the UserLookAndFeel.ParentLookAndFeel member. Inherited from UserLookAndFeel.
See Also