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Resource Headers

  • 3 minutes to read

The ResourceHeader class represents a resource header that displays a caption and an image. Headers are only visible when appointments are grouped by a resource or date. Use the SchedulerControl.GroupType property to group appointments.


The HorizontalResourceHeader and VerticalResourceHeader classes represent a resource header displayed horizontally and vertically. The header orientation depends on the applied view.

The Resource.ImageBytes property (mapped to the SchedulerControl.DataStorage.Resources.Mappings.Image data field) specifies the image displayed in the header. The Resource.Caption property (mapped to the SchedulerControl.DataStorage.Resources.Mappings.Caption data field) specifies the header caption.

Layout Options

The SchedulerControl.OptionsView.ResourceHeaders property provides access to the following options related to the resource headers.




Gets or sets the height of the resource header.


Gets or sets the image alignment within a resource header.


Gets or sets the size of an image which is shown within a resource header.


Gets or sets the size mode of an image which is displayed within a resource header.


Gets or sets the value indicating whether to rotate the caption’s text.

Disable this option to display captions in vertical headers horizontally.

Appearance Settings

A ResourceHeader object’s Appearance property provides access to appearance settings applied to resource headers. The table below contains available settings.




Gets the appearance settings used to paint headers.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint the horizontal line under the header.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint a selection within the View.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint the alternate (Today) header.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint the horizontal line under the alternate (Today) header.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint an additional header shown in the Agenda View and far aligned.


Gets the appearance settings used to paint additional alternate (“Today”) header shown in the Agenda View and far aligned.


If a skin is applied, background colors for day headers are not in effect.

Customization Events

The SchedulerControl.LayoutViewInfoCustomizing event fires before a time cell, day header, day-of-week header, or resource header is displayed and allows you to customize them.

The SchedulerControl.CustomDrawResourceHeader event fires before a resource header is displayed and allows you to draw it manually.

Resource Category Headers

If resources are organized into categories, category headers are displayed instead of resource headers. A category header displays captions of the resources that belong to the category. Use the ResourceCategory.Caption property to provide a custom caption for the category.

You can also set the SchedulerControl.OptionsView.ResourceCategories.ResourceDisplayStyle property to Tabs to display resource headers as tabs that users can select. To display appointments associated with the selected resource (tab) only, set the AppointmentDisplayMode property to SelectedResource.