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Scale Members

Serves as the base class for all scales.


Name Description
Scale() Initializes a new instance of the Scale class with default settings.


Name Description
EndValueProperty static Identifies the Scale.EndValue dependency property.
LabelTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.LabelTemplate dependency property.
LineOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.LineOptions dependency property.
LineTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.LineTemplate dependency property.
MajorIntervalCountProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorIntervalCount dependency property.
MajorTickmarkOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorTickmarkOptions dependency property.
MajorTickmarksTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorTickmarksTemplate dependency property.
MinorIntervalCountProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorIntervalCount dependency property.
MinorTickmarkOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorTickmarkOptions dependency property.
MinorTickmarksTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorTickmarksTemplate dependency property.
ShowLabelsProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowLabels dependency property.
ShowLineProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowLine dependency property.
ShowMajorTickmarksProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowMajorTickmarks dependency property.
ShowMinorTickmarksProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowMinorTickmarks dependency property.
StartValueProperty static Identifies the Scale.StartValue dependency property.


Name Description
CustomElements Provides access to a collection of custom elements contained in the current Circular Scale or Linear Scale.
CustomLabels Provides access to a collection of custom labels contained in the current scale.
EndValue Gets or sets the end value of the scale.
LabelTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of scale labels.
LineOptions Provides access to the options that specify the shape and position of a scale line, either Circular or Linear.
LineTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a scale line.
MajorIntervalCount Gets or sets a value that specifies the number of intervals between major tickmarks on a scale.
MajorTickmarkOptions Provides access to the options that define the appearance, behavior and location of major tickmarks within the current scale.
MajorTickmarksTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a scale’s major tickmarks.
MinorIntervalCount Gets or sets a value that specifies the number of intervals between minor tickmarks on a scale.
MinorTickmarkOptions Provides access to the options that define the appearance, behavior and location of minor tickmarks within the current scale.
MinorTickmarksTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a scale’s minor tickmarks.
ShowLabels Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not labels should be displayed on a scale.
ShowLine Indicates whether or not a line should be displayed on a scale.
ShowMajorTickmarks Gets or sets whether or not the major tickmarks should be visible on a scale.
ShowMinorTickmarks Gets or sets whether or not the minor tickmarks should be visible on a scale.
StartValue Gets or sets the start value of the scale.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also