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Scale.MajorTickmarkOptions Property

Provides access to the options that define the appearance, behavior and location of major tickmarks within the current scale.

Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Gauges

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Gauges.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


[DP(null, Handler = "MajorTickmarkOptionsPropertyChanged")]
public MajorTickmarkOptions MajorTickmarkOptions { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A MajorTickmarkOptions object that contains settings for major tickmarks.


Use the MajorTickmarkOptions property to customize different major tickmark settings (e.g., the MajorTickmarkOptions.ShowFirst and MajorTickmarkOptions.ShowLast properties define whether or not boundary tickmarks should be visible).

To change settings of minor tickmarks, use the Scale.MinorTickmarkOptions property.

See Also