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LinearScale Fields
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A linear scale.
Name Description
EndValueProperty static Identifies the Scale.EndValue dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
LabelOptionsProperty static Identifies the LinearScale.LabelOptions dependency property.
LabelTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.LabelTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
LayoutModeProperty static Identifies the LinearScale.LayoutMode dependency property.
LineOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.LineOptions dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
LineTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.LineTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MajorIntervalCountProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorIntervalCount dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MajorTickmarkOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorTickmarkOptions dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MajorTickmarksTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.MajorTickmarksTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MinorIntervalCountProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorIntervalCount dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MinorTickmarkOptionsProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorTickmarkOptions dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
MinorTickmarksTemplateProperty static Identifies the Scale.MinorTickmarksTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
ShowLabelsProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowLabels dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
ShowLineProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowLine dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
ShowMajorTickmarksProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowMajorTickmarks dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
ShowMinorTickmarksProperty static Identifies the Scale.ShowMinorTickmarks dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
StartValueProperty static Identifies the Scale.StartValue dependency property. Inherited from Scale.
See Also