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TextEdit Properties
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A text editor.
Name Description
AcceptsReturn Gets or sets whether an end-user can insert return characters into a text. This is a dependency property.
AllowNullInput Gets or sets whether end-users can set the editor’s value to a null reference. This is a dependency property.
AllowSpinOnMouseWheel Gets or sets whether or not a value can be changed by spinning the mouse wheel. This is a dependency property.
Buttons Returns the collection of buttons.
CausesValidation Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is enabled for this editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s display value. This is a dependency property.
DisplayText Gets the text displayed within the editor. This is a dependency property.
EditCore Provides access to an internal editor control. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValue Gets or sets the editor’s value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueConverter Gets or sets a converter used to provide the editor’s value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValuePostDelay Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, after which a value specified by a user is posted to the editor. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValuePostMode Gets or sets whether a value specified by a user should be posted immediately or after a delay. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueType Gets or sets the edit value’s type treatment. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
HasValidationError Gets whether an editor has a validation error. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Header Gets or sets the content for the TextEdit’s header.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the TextEdit header’s presentation. This is a dependency property.
InputScope Gets or sets the context for input used by this TextEdit. This is a dependency property.
IsFocusWithin Inherited from BaseEdit.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether the editor’s value can be changed by end-users. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
IsSpellCheckEnabled Gets or sets whether the TextEdit input interacts with a spell check engine.
IsTextPredictionEnabled Gets or sets whether the text prediction feature (“autocomplete”) is enabled.
MaxLength Gets or sets the maximum number of characters an end-user can enter into the editor. This is a dependency property.
NullText Gets or sets the text displayed within the edit box when the editor’s value is null. This is a dependency property.
NullTextForeground Gets or sets the brush used to render the null text. This is a dependency property.
NullValue Gets or sets a null value for the editor. This is a dependency property.
SelectedText Gets or sets the text selected within the editor.
SelectionHighlightBrush Gets or sets the brush used to highlight the selected text. This is a dependency property.
ShowClearButton Gets or sets whether the editor displays the Clear button. This is a dependency property.
ShowDefaultButtons Gets or sets whether the editor’s default buttons are displayed. This is a dependency property.
ShowErrorIcon Inherited from BaseEdit.
ShowNullText Gets or sets whether to display the null text. This is a dependency property.
ShowNullTextForEmptyValue Gets or sets whether to display the null text for the Empty value. This is a dependency property.
ShowText Gets or sets whether the edit box is displayed. This is a dependency property.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed within the edit box. This is a dependency property.
TextAlignment Gets or sets the text’s horizontal alignment. This is a dependency property.
TextInputSettings Provides access to the edit settings. This is a dependency property.
TextWrapping Gets or sets whether the text wraps when it reaches the edge of the text box. This is a dependency property.
ValidateOnEnterKeyPressed Gets or sets whether the edit value should be validated when pressing the ENTER key. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidateOnTextInput Gets or sets whether the edit value should be validated while typing within the editor’s text box. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidationError Gets or sets the validation error defined for the editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
See Also