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Load Chart Data

  • 8 minutes to read

This document describes different approaches that allow you to load data to a chart.

#Available Data Types

The type of data point arguments and values loaded to a chart should be compatible with supported scale types. The following scale types are available:

Available for arguments and values. Displays data values as numbers. For example, 27 or 3.14.
Available for arguments and values. Displays data values as instants in time. For example, November, 10 or 2020/02/14 7:00:00.
Available for arguments. Displays data values as string categories. For example, VIII or Company A.

The Chart automatically analyzes and determines the type of data source values. You can use the following properties to explicitly specify the type of used values and to avoid unnecessary type casting procedures in internal chart algorithms; these properties can also be used if you want to use a scale type that differs from the one determined by the chart:

The default value for these properties is ScaleType.Auto.

#Explicitly Add All Data Points to the Series

You can explicitly create series points, and add them directly to a chart’s point collection. Follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Initialize the Series.Data, PieSeries.Data, or FunnelSeries.Data property with a PointDataCollection object.

  2. Add a PointData object to the point data collection.

  3. Specify the point’s PointDataBase.Argument and PointData.Value properties.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 to add other points.

                <Charts:PointDataCollection ArgumentScaleType="Qualitative"
                    <Charts:PointData Argument='A' Value="10"/>
                    <Charts:PointData Argument='B' Value="15"/>
                    <Charts:PointData Argument='C' Value="20"/>

#Populate a Series with Data from a Data Source

You can create a series and bind it to a data source. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Initialize the Series.Data, PieSeries.Data, or FunnelSeries.Data property with a DataSource object.

  2. Define the DataSource.PointSource property to specify the name of a point collection.

  3. Use the DataSource.ArgumentDataMember and DataSource.ValueDataMember properties to specify data members that store arguments and values.

The following example creates a pie series and binds it to a data source (a List<T> of objects):

A pie bound to a data source

                <Charts:DataSource PointSource="{Binding DataPoints}" 
        <Charts:PieSeriesView .../>
using DevExpress.Mvvm;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace PieChartSample {
    public sealed partial class MainWindow : Window {
        public MainWindow() {
    public class DataPoint {
        public string Product { get; set; }
        public double Income { get; set; }
    public class ChartViewModel : ViewModelBase {
        public ChartViewModel() {
            List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Camera", Income = 78 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Flash", Income = 92 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Smartphone", Income = 43 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Tripod", Income = 98 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Mobile Phone", Income = 70 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Smart Watch", Income = 98 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Laptop", Income = 85 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Tablet", Income = 99 },
                new DataPoint() { Product = "Headphone", Income = 94 }
            DataPoints = dataPoints;
        public List<DataPoint> DataPoints { get; }

#Generate Series from a Source (MVVM)

Use the ChartBase.SeriesSource property to bind a chart to a collection of series view models when your application uses the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. Then, define the ChartBase.SeriesItemTemplate and ChartBase.SeriesItemTemplateSelector properties to specify how the chart converts view model objects to series.

The following code uses the MVVM architecture to populate the Chart Control with series:

Series generated in MVVM style

        <Charts:CartesianChart ToolTipEnabled="True"
                               SeriesSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.SeriesData}">
                <DataTemplate x:DataType="local:SeriesViewModel">
                    <Charts:Series DisplayName="{x:Bind Name}">
                            <Charts:DataSource PointSource="{x:Bind DataPoints}"
                            <Charts:BarSeriesView StackedMode="FullStacked"
                                                  StackedGroup="{x:Bind Group}">
                <Charts:AxisY LabelPattern="{}{V:p0}"/>
using DevExpress.Mvvm;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace StackedSeriesChart {

    public sealed partial class MainWindow : Window {
        public ChartViewModel ViewModel { get; } = new ChartViewModel();
        public MainWindow() {
    public class ChartViewModel : ViewModelBase {
        public List<SeriesViewModel> SeriesData { get; }
        public ChartViewModel() {
            List<SeriesViewModel> seriesData = new List<SeriesViewModel> {
                new SeriesViewModel{ Name = "Canada", Group = 0,
                    DataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "March", Value = 125.45 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "April", Value = 144.3 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "May", Value = 133.54 }
                new SeriesViewModel{ Name = "USA", Group = 0,
                    DataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "March", Value = 122.36 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "April", Value = 126.87 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "May", Value = 128.33 }
                new SeriesViewModel{ Name = "France", Group = 1,
                    DataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "March", Value = 56.32 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "April", Value = 58.63 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "May", Value = 59.14 }
                new SeriesViewModel{ Name = "Germany", Group = 1,
                    DataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "March", Value = 62.12 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "April", Value = 69.123 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "May", Value = 75.11 }
                new SeriesViewModel{ Name = "Austria", Group = 1,
                    DataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "March", Value = 42.852 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "April", Value = 41.77 },
                        new DataPoint{ Argument = "May", Value = 39.25 }
            SeriesData = seriesData;
    public class SeriesViewModel {
        public int Group { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<DataPoint> DataPoints { get; set; }
    public class DataPoint {
        public string Argument { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }


See also: DevExpress MVVM Framework.