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MapRectangle Fields
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The class used to draw a rectangle on a map.
Name Description
FillProperty static Identifies the MapShape.Fill dependency property. Inherited from MapShape.
HeightProperty static Identifies the MapRectangle.Height dependency property.
IsHitTestVisibleProperty static Identifies the MapItem.IsHitTestVisible dependency property. Inherited from MapItem.
LocationProperty static Identifies the MapRectangle.Location dependency property.
StrokeProperty static Identifies the MapShape.Stroke dependency property. Inherited from MapShape.
StrokeStyleProperty static Identifies the MapShape.StrokeStyle dependency property. Inherited from MapShape.
ToolTipPatternProperty static Identifies the MapItem.ToolTipPattern dependency property. Inherited from MapItem.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the MapItem.Visible dependency property. Inherited from MapItem.
WidthProperty static Identifies the MapRectangle.Width dependency property.
See Also