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MapCustomElement Properties
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The class used to draw any custom element on a map.
Name Description
Attributes Gets the attributes for this map item. Inherited from MapItem.
Content Gets or sets the custom element’s content. This is a dependency property.
ContentTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of the element’s content, represented by the MapCustomElement.Content property. This is a dependency property.
IsHitTestVisible Gets or sets a value that defines whether or not a map item can be returned as a hit-testing result. Inherited from MapItem.
Layer Provides access to the map items layer object. Inherited from MapItem.
Location Gets or sets a location of the custom element on a map.
ToolTipPattern Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within a tooltip that appears for a map item. Inherited from MapItem.
Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a map item should be displayed. Inherited from MapItem.
See Also