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MapControl Members

A Map control to display raster and vector maps.


Name Description
MapControl() Initializes a new instance of the MapControl class with default settings.


Name Description
ColorizerProperty static Identifies the MapControl.Colorizer dependency property.
EnableAnimationProperty static Identifies the MapControl.EnableAnimation dependency property.
EnableAntialiasingProperty static Identifies the MapControl.EnableAntialiasing dependency property.
EnableNavigationProperty static Identifies the MapControl.EnableNavigation dependency property.
EnableScrollingProperty static Identifies the MapControl.EnableScrolling dependency property.
EnableZoomingProperty static Identifies the MapControl.EnableZooming dependency property.
MapCenterPointProperty static
NavigationPanelOptionsProperty static Identifies the MapControl.NavigationPanelOptions dependency property.
SelectionModeProperty static Identifies the MapControl.SelectionMode dependency property.
ToolTipEnabledProperty static Identifies the MapControl.ToolTipEnabled dependency property.
ToolTipTemplateProperty static Identifies the MapControl.ToolTipTemplate dependency property.
ZoomLevelProperty static Identifies the MapControl.ZoomLevel dependency property.


Name Description
ActualNavigationPanelOptions Gets the actual options of a Navigation Panel.
Colorizer Gets or sets a value specifying the map colorizer (choropleth colorizer or graph colorizer) with which to colorize map shapes.
EnableAnimation Gets or sets a value that specifies whether animation is enabled for a map control.
EnableAntialiasing Gets or sets a value that specifies whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a map control.
EnableNavigation Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to scroll the map. This is a dependency property.
EnableScrolling Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not scrolling is enabled.
EnableZooming Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to zoom the map. This is a dependency property.
Layers Provides access to the collection of layers to be displayed within the MapControl.
NavigationPanelOptions Provides access to the navigation panel options of a map control.
ScrollCommand Returns a command that scrolls a map.
SelectionMode Gets or sets a value specifying how the map control is selected.
ToolTipEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether or not tooltips are enabled for a map.
ToolTipInfo Provides access to the ToolTipInfo object that contains settings of built-in map tooltips.
ToolTipTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of the map tooltip.
ZoomCommand Returns a command that zooms a map.
ZoomLevel Gets or sets the current zoom level of a Map Control.

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Name Description
CanScroll(Point) Checks whether or not it is possible to scroll a map by the specified offset.
CanZoom(Double) Checks whether or not it is possible to zoom a map by the specified zoom level.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Scroll(Point) Scrolls a map by the specified offset.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Zoom(Double, Point) Zooms a map to the specified level around the specified anchor point.
Zoom(Double) Zooms a map to the specified level.


Name Description
SelectionChanged Occurs when the map selection is changed.
See Also