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TextEdit Members

Represents a text editor with embedded buttons.


Name Description
TextEdit() Initializes a new instance of the TextEdit class with default settings.

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Name Description
AcceptsReturnProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.AcceptsReturn dependency property.
ActualEditTemplateProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.ActualEditTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
AllowNullInputProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.AllowNullInput dependency property.
AllowSpinOnMouseWheelProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.AllowSpinOnMouseWheel dependency property.
ButtonsProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.Buttons dependency property.
ButtonsTemplateProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.ButtonsTemplate dependency property.
CausesValidationProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.CausesValidation dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayFormatStringProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayFormatString dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayTextConverterProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayTextConverter dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayTextProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayText dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditCoreIsTabStopProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.EditCoreIsTabStop dependency property.
EditNonEditableTemplateProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.EditNonEditableTemplate dependency property.
EditTemplateProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.EditTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueConverterProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueConverter dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValue dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueTypeProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueType dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
HasValidationErrorProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.HasValidationError dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
HeaderProperty static
HeaderTemplateProperty static
InputScopeProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.InputScope dependency property.
IsInLayoutControlProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.IsInLayoutControl dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.IsReadOnly dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
IsSpellCheckEnabledProperty static
IsTextEditableProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.IsTextEditable dependency property.
IsTextPredictionEnabledProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.IsTextPredictionEnabled dependency property.
MaxLengthProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.MaxLength dependency property.
NullTextForegroundProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.NullTextForeground dependency property.
NullTextProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.NullText dependency property.
NullValueProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.NullValue dependency property.
OwnerEditProperty static Identifies the DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Editors.BaseEdit.OwnerEdit attached property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
PopupSettingsProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.PopupSettings dependency property.
SelectionHighlightBrushProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.SelectionHighlightBrush dependency property.
ShowDefaultButtonsProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.ShowDefaultButtons dependency property.
ShowErrorToolTipProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowErrorToolTip dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ShowNullTextForEmptyValueProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.ShowNullTextForEmptyValue dependency property.
ShowNullTextProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.ShowNullText dependency property.
ShowTextProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.ShowText dependency property.
StyleSettingsProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.StyleSettings dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
TextAlignmentProperty static
TextInputSettingsProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.TextInputSettings dependency property.
TextProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.Text dependency property.
TextTemplateProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.TextTemplate dependency property.
TextWrappingProperty static Identifies the TextEdit.TextWrapping dependency property.
ValidateOnEnterKeyPressedProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidateOnEnterKeyPressed dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidateOnTextInputProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidateOnTextInput dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidationErrorProperty static Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidationError dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.

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Name Description
AcceptsReturn Gets or sets whether an end-user can insert return characters into a text. This is a dependency property.
ActualEditTemplate Gets or sets the actual data template that defines the editor’s presentation. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
AllowNullInput Gets or sets whether end-users can set the editor’s value to a null reference. This is a dependency property.
AllowSpinOnMouseWheel Gets or sets whether or not a value can be changed by spinning the mouse wheel. This is a dependency property.
AllowUpdateTwoWayBoundPropertiesOnSynchronization Prevents the BaseEdit.EditValue binding source from being updated during synchronization with the DataControlBase.ItemsSource. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Buttons Returns the collection of buttons.
ButtonsTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of the editor’s buttons. This is a dependency property.
CausesValidation Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is enabled for this editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayText Gets the text displayed within the editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
DisplayTextConverter Gets or sets a converter used to provide the editor’s display value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditCore Provides access to an internal editor control. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditCoreIsTabStop Gets or sets whether navigating to the editor using the TAB key activates the editing mode. This is a dependency property.
EditNonEditableTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the in-place editor’s presentation when the editor is active, but its text field is not editable. This is a dependency property.
EditTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the editor’s presentation. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValue Gets or sets the editor’s value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueConverter Gets or sets a converter used to provide the editor’s value. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValuePostDelay Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, after which a value specified by a user is posted to the editor. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValuePostMode Gets or sets whether a value specified by a user should be posted immediately or after a delay. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueType Gets or sets the edit value’s type treatment. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
HasValidationError Gets whether an editor has a validation error. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
InputScope Gets or sets the context for input used by this TextEdit. This is a dependency property.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether the editor’s value can be changed by end-users. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
IsTextEditable Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to edit the text displayed within the text box. This is a dependency property.
IsTextPredictionEnabled Gets or sets whether the text prediction feature (“autocomplete”) is enabled.
MaxLength Gets or sets the maximum number of characters an end-user can enter into the editor. This is a dependency property.
NullText Gets or sets the text displayed within the edit box when the editor’s value is null. This is a dependency property.
NullTextForeground Gets or sets the brush used to render the null text. This is a dependency property.
NullValue Gets or sets a null value for the editor. This is a dependency property.
PopupSettings Gets or sets an object that defines the appearance and behavior of the editor’s popup. This is a dependency property.
SelectedText Gets or sets the text selected within the editor.
SelectionHighlightBrush Gets or sets the brush used to highlight the selected text. This is a dependency property.
ShowDefaultButtons Gets or sets whether the editor’s default buttons are displayed. This is a dependency property.
ShowErrorToolTip Gets or sets whether a tooltip with error message is shown when the editor is focused. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ShowNullText Gets or sets whether to display the null text. This is a dependency property.
ShowNullTextForEmptyValue Gets or sets whether to display the null text for the Empty value. This is a dependency property.
ShowText Gets or sets whether the edit box is displayed. This is a dependency property.
StyleSettings Gets or sets an object that defines an editor’s appearance and behavior. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed within the edit box. This is a dependency property.
TextInputSettings Provides access to the edit settings. This is a dependency property.
TextTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of editor’s text box. This is a dependency property.
TextWrapping Gets or sets whether the text wraps when it reaches the edge of the text box. This is a dependency property.
ValidateOnEnterKeyPressed Gets or sets whether the edit value should be validated when pressing the ENTER key. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidateOnTextInput Gets or sets whether the edit value should be validated while typing within the editor’s text box. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ValidationError Gets or sets the validation error defined for the editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit.

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Name Description
BeginInit() Starts the BaseEdit‘s initialization. Initialization occurs at runtime. Inherited from BaseEdit.
ClearError() Clears error notification and resets the editor’s value. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Cut() Moves the current selection in the text editor to the clipboard.
Delete() Deletes the currently selected text from the text editor.
DoValidate() Validates the editor. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EndInit() Ends the BaseEdit‘s initialization. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetDisplayTextFromValue(Object) Returns the display representation of the specified value.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIsInLayoutControl(DependencyObject) static This property supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from BaseEdit.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Paste() Replaces the current selection in the text editor with the contents of the clipboard.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Select(Int32, Int32) Selects the specified number of characters in the text editor, starting from the point specified.
SelectAll() Selects the editor’s entire content.
SetIsInLayoutControl(DependencyObject, Boolean) static This property supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from BaseEdit.
SpinDown() Decrements the value of a masked editor.
SpinUp() Increments the value of a masked editor.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Undo() Undoes the last edit operation in the text control.
UpdateDisplayText() Inherited from BaseEdit.

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Name Description
CustomDisplayText Enables you to display a custom text within the editor. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueChanged Occurs after the editor’s value has been changed. Inherited from BaseEdit.
EditValueChanging Occurs before the editor’s value is changed. Inherited from BaseEdit.
Spin Occurs when the UP or DOWN ARROW key is pressed.
Validate Enables you to validate the editor’s value. Inherited from BaseEdit.
See Also