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DateNavigator Members

Represents a Date Navigator.


Name Description
DateNavigator() Initializes a new instance of the DateNavigator class with default settings.


Name Description
ActualDisplayDateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ActualDisplayDate dependency property.
ActualDisplayDateRangeProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ActualDisplayDateRange dependency property.
AnimationModeProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.AnimationMode dependency property.
CalendarCultureProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CalendarCulture dependency property.
CellItemContainerStyleProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CellItemContainerStyle dependency property.
CellItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CellItemTemplate dependency property.
CellItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CellItemTemplateSelector dependency property.
CenturyCellFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CenturyCellFormat dependency property.
CenturyHeaderFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.CenturyHeaderFormat dependency property.
DayNameFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DayNameFormat dependency property.
DayNameTemplateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DayNameTemplate dependency property.
DecadeCellFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DecadeCellFormat dependency property.
DecadeHeaderFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DecadeHeaderFormat dependency property.
DisplayDateEndProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DisplayDateEnd dependency property.
DisplayDateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DisplayDate dependency property.
DisplayDateStartProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.DisplayDateStart dependency property.
EnableMouseWheelDateScrollingProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.EnableMouseWheelDateScrolling dependency property.
ExactWorkdaysProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ExactWorkdays dependency property.
FirstDayOfWeekProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.FirstDayOfWeek dependency property.
HeaderProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.Header dependency property.
HeaderViewStyleProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.HeaderViewStyle dependency property.
HolidaysProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.Holidays dependency property.
MonthCellFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.MonthCellFormat dependency property.
MonthHeaderFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.MonthHeaderFormat dependency property.
SelectedDateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.SelectedDate dependency property.
SelectedDatesProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.SelectedDates dependency property.
SelectionModeProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.SelectionMode dependency property.
ShowDaysOfWeekProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ShowDaysOfWeek dependency property.
ShowWeekNumbersProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ShowWeekNumbers dependency property.
SpecialDatesProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.SpecialDates dependency property.
ViewModeProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.ViewMode dependency property.
WeekNumberFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.WeekNumberFormat dependency property.
WeekNumberRuleProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.WeekNumberRule dependency property.
WeekNumberTemplateProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.WeekNumberTemplate dependency property.
WorkdaysProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.Workdays dependency property.
YearCellFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.YearCellFormat dependency property.
YearHeaderFormatProperty static Identifies the DateNavigator.YearHeaderFormat dependency property.


Name Description
ActualDisplayDate Gets the date corresponding to today’s date. This is a dependency property.
ActualDisplayDateRange Gets the date range that is currently displayed.
AnimationMode Specifies the animation mode for the date navigator. This is a dependency property.
CalendarCulture Gets or sets the calendar’s culture.
CellItemContainerStyle Gets or sets the style applied to cell item containers. This is a dependency property.
CellItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of cell items within the calendar. This is a dependency property.
CellItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a cell item template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
CenturyCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the century view. This is a dependency property.
CenturyHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the century view. This is a dependency property.
DayNameFormat Gets or sets the value that specifies the format for names of the days of the week. This is a dependency property.
DayNameTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of day names. This is a dependency property.
DecadeCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the decade view. This is a dependency property.
DecadeHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header of the decade view. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDate Gets or sets the today’s date. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDateEnd Gets or sets the maximum value of the time range available for navigation in the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDateStart Gets or sets the minimum value of the time range available for navigation in the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
EnableMouseWheelDateScrolling Gets or sets whether the end-user can perform scrolling using the mouse wheel. This is a dependency property.
ExactWorkdays Gets or sets the collection of work days. This is a dependency property.
FirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the day of the week from which the Date Navigator’s week starts. This is a dependency property.
Header Gets the actual header of the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
HeaderViewStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the view header. This is a dependency property.
Holidays Gets or sets a collection of holidays. This is a dependency property.
MonthCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the month view. This is a dependency property.
MonthHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the month view. This is a dependency property.
SelectedDate Gets or sets the date selected within the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
SelectedDates Gets or sets a collection of selected dates. This is a dependency property.
SelectionMode Specifies the selection mode for the date navigator. This is a dependency property.
SetViewModeCommand Sets the view mode.
ShowDaysOfWeek Gets or sets whether to display days of week when the Date Navigator is in the month view mode. This is a dependency property.
ShowWeekNumbers Gets or sets whether to display week numbers when the Date Navigator is in the month view mode. This is a dependency property.
SpecialDates Gets or sets a collection of special dates. This is a dependency property.
ViewMode Gets or sets the current view mode for the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for week numbers. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberRule Gets or sets the rule which specifies the first week of the year. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of week numbers displayed within the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
Workdays Gets or sets the collection of days assigned to a workweek.
YearCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the year view. This is a dependency property.
YearHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the year view. This is a dependency property.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
DisplayDateChanged Fires after the value of the DateNavigator.DisplayDate property has been changed.
ItemClick Occurs when a date item within the date navigator is clicked.
SelectionChanged Fires after the current selection has been changed.
See Also