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CriteriaOperator.LegacyToString() Method

Returns the string representation of the criteria specified by the current CriteriaOperator instance.

Namespace: DevExpress.Data.Filtering

Assembly: DevExpress.Core.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public string LegacyToString()


Type Description

A string equivalent of the current CriteriaOperator instance.


Unlike the CriteriaOperator.ToString method, the LegacyToString method removes value suffixes (such as ‘m’, ‘M’, ‘l’, ‘L’, ‘f’, ‘F’, etc.) used to specify types of numeric literals in criteria operands. You can call the LegacyToString method to display the returned string in a UI, or save it to an application log. However, this string is actually not in SQL format and cannot be considered as such. If you want to use the string for building SQL queries or for filtering System.Data.DataView, use the approach described in the How to convert the CriteriaOperator to the corresponding filter string in order to use it for building SQL queries or for filtering the DataView Knowledge Base article.

See Also