CustomSummaryEventArgs Class
Provides data for the GridControl.CustomSummary event.
Namespace: DevExpress.Data
Assembly: DevExpress.Core.v21.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls
The GridControl.CustomSummary event enables you to calculate summary values manually. This event is raised for each data row involved in the calculations, it also fires before and after calculations allowing you to perform any initialization and finalization required. The CustomSummaryEventArgs class introduces the CustomSummaryEventArgs.SummaryProcess property that identifies whether initialization, finalization or total summary value calculation should be performed.
When calculating, read the CustomSummaryEventArgs.FieldValue property value to obtain the currently processed field value. If you need the values of other fields, use the CustomSummaryEventArgs.RowHandle property. It enables you to identify the current row and, thus, obtain its values. The total summary value should be accumulated in the CustomSummaryEventArgs.TotalValue property.
If calculating a group summary value, you may need the CustomSummaryEventArgs.GroupLevel and CustomSummaryEventArgs.GroupRowHandle properties to identify the currently processed group. You can determine whether a group summary will be calculated using the CustomSummaryEventArgs.IsGroupSummary property value.
Use the CustomSummaryEventArgs.Item property to access the summary item that provides the settings for the summary calculation.