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Expanding and Collapsing Group Rows

End-users can expand or collapse group rows by double-clicking them.

#Expanding Group Rows

To expand a group row, use the GridControl.ExpandGroupRow method. A group row is specified by its handle. All group rows can be expanded using the GridControl.ExpandAllGroups method.

Before a group row is expanded, the GridControl.GroupRowExpanding event is raised, allowing you to cancel the action. For instance, you can prevent an end-user from expanding individual group rows. After a group row has been expanded, the GridControl.GroupRowExpanded event is raised.

To identity whether a group row is expanded, use the GridControl.IsGroupRowExpanded method.

#Collapsing Group Rows

To collapse the specified group row, use the GridControl.CollapseGroupRow method. All group rows can be collapsed using the GridControl.CollapseAllGroups method.

Before a group row is collapsed, the GridControl.GroupRowCollapsing event is raised, allowing you to cancel the action. After a group row has been collapsed, the GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed event is raised.