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ChartCommands Properties

Stores chart commands.
Name Description
ActiveSeries Gets or sets an active series in a chart.
ActualToolbarMode For internal use. Returns an active toolbar mode.
AddHorizontalConstantLineCommand Activates the Add Horizontal Constant Line mode.
AddImageAnnotationCommand Activates the Add Image Annotation mode.
AddIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that adds an indicator to the chart.
AddTextAnnotationCommand Activates the Add Text Annotation mode.
AddVerticalConstantLineCommand Activates the Add Vertical Constant Line mode.
AvailableSeriesIndicators For internal use. Returns a list of indicators that can be created for the active series.
CanFreeze Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
ChangePaletteCommand Specifies the command that applies a palette to the chart. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
DrawFibonacciArcsIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that activates the mode of drawing the Fibonacci Arcs indicator.
DrawFibonacciFansIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that activates the mode of drawing the Fibonacci Fans indicator.
DrawFibonacciRetracementIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that activates the mode of drawing the Fibonacci Retracement indicator.
DrawTrendLineIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that activates the mode of drawing a Trend Line.
ExportToBmpCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a BMP file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToDocxCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a DOCX file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToGifCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a GIF file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToHtmlCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to an HTML file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToJpegCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a JPEG image. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToMhtCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to an MHT file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToPdfCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a PDF file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToPngCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a PNG image. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToRtfCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to an RTF file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToTiffCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to a TIFF image. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToXlsCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to an XLS file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
ExportToXlsxCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to export the chart to an XLSX file. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
IsFrozen Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
LoadFromFileCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Open dialog to load the chart layout from an XML file.
PrintCommand Specifies the command that invokes the chart Print dialog. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
PrintPreviewCommand Specifies the command that invokes the chart Print Preview dialog. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
RemoveIndicatorCommand Specifies the command that activates the mode of removing indicators.
RibbonPrintPreviewCommand Specifies the command that invokes the chart Print Preview dialog with a Ribbon. Inherited from ChartCommandsBase.
RunDesignerCommand Specifies the command that runs the Chart Designer.
SaveToFileCommand Specifies the command that invokes the Save As dialog to save the chart layout to an XML file.
SetDateTimeAxisPeriodCommand A command that specifies the on-screen data range.
SetDateTimeAxisUnitCommand Specifies the command that defines a date-time unit used to aggregate series values.
ShowElementPropertiesCommand Invokes a property window for the element passed as a command parameter.
TypeNameSerializable Gets the string value used to support serialization of the chart dependency object. Inherited from ChartDependencyObject.
See Also