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TdxDBTreeView Class

TdxDBTreeView object is a TreeView control that can display and edit a dataset with hierarchical structures (a self-reference dataset).


TdxDBTreeView = class(


TDBTreeView is a window that displays a hierarchical list of items related to a dataset. You can directly manipulate TreeView nodes, using drag & drop – and all changes will be reflected in the dataset. On changing the Value of a field related to the DBTreeView, both the label and parent property of the items are changed as well.

You can link the TreeView to a database by specifying the data source component (TDataSource) which identifies the dataset as the value of the DBTreeView DataSource property. Set the KeyField property to a field in the dataset to be used as the key value of the items. Set the ParentField property to the field in the dataset you want to use as a parent of items. Set the ListField property to the field in the dataset you want to see as individual labels of items.

See Also