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TdxTreeViewControlOptionsView.ScrollBars Property

Specifies which scrollbars the Tree View control can display.


property ScrollBars; default ssBoth;

Property Value

Type Default Description
TcxScrollStyle ssBoth

A set of scrollbars.


Options include:

Value Description
ssBoth The control can display the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
ssHorizontal The control can display only the horizontal scrollbar.
ssVertical The control can display only the vertical scrollbar.
ssNone The control displays no scrollbars.


The Tree View shows scrollbars if all tree nodes do not fit in the control.

You can call the control’s MakeVisible and ScrollBy procedures to scroll the control, even if the ScrollBars property is set to ssNone.

A user can press the Up and Down arrow buttons to move focus to a node outside the control’s client area. These actions scroll the control vertically, even if the ScrollBars property is set to ssHorizontal or ssNone.

See Also