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dxRichEdit.Options Unit


Name Description
TdxAuthenticationOptions Stores a set of credentials used to identify editable ranges within a protected document.
TdxAutoCorrectOptions Stores options related to the Rich Edit control‘s automatic typing correction functionality.
TdxBookmarkOptions Stores bookmark appearance and behavior settings.
TdxCopyPasteOptions Stores settings affecting certain Rich Edit control’s clipboard operations.
TdxDocDocumentExporterCompatibilityOptions Stores the compatibility settings used for exporting a rich text document to the DOC (that is, Microsoft Word® binary document) file format.
TdxDocDocumentExporterOptions Stores the settings used for exporting a rich text document to the DOC (that is, Microsoft Word® binary document) file format.
TdxDocDocumentImporterOptions Stores the settings used for importing DOC files (Microsoft Word® binary document) to the Rich Edit control.
TdxDocumentCapabilitiesOptions Stores the settings that determine the availability of specific document features.
TdxDocumentExporterOptions The base class for all classes that implement document exporter settings.
TdxDocumentImporterOptions The base class for all document importer settings.
TdxDocumentSaveOptions Stores file names and format settings that affect document export operations in Rich Edit components.
TdxDocumentSearchOptions Stores search settings.
TdxDraftViewLayoutOptions Stores layout settings of the Draft document view.
TdxFieldOptions Stores the settings that specify the document field’s appearance and behavior.
TdxFormattingMarkVisibilityOptions Stores visibility settings for non-printable characters within a document displayed by the Rich Edit control.
TdxHorizontalRulerOptions Stores horizontal ruler settings.
TdxHtmlDocumentExporterOptions Stores HTML document export options.
TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions Stores HTML document import settings.
TdxHyperlinkOptions Stores hyperlink behavior settings.
TdxMailMergeCustomSeparators Stores custom group and decimal separators for mail merge fields.
TdxNumberingOptions Stores the settings that determine the availability of specific numbered and bulleted list features.
TdxOpenXmlDocumentExporterOptions Stores the settings used for exporting a rich text document to the OpenXML (i.e., DOCX) file format.
TdxPlainTextDocumentExporterOptions Stores settings used for saving the current Rich Edit control‘s content as a plain text file.
TdxPlainTextDocumentImporterOptions Stores settings used for loading TXT documents into the Rich Edit control.
TdxRangePermissionOptions Stores appearance settings applied to all editable ranges with permissions within the current document.
TdxRichEditBehaviorOptions Stores the Rich Edit control’s behavior settings.
TdxRichEditDocumentExportOptions Stores settings applied to document export operations performed by the Rich Edit control.
TdxRichEditMailMergeOptions Stores core mail merge settings.
TdxRulerOptions The base class for the settings applied to the Rich Edit control’s rulers.
TdxTableOptions Stores the document table appearance settings.
TdxUpdateFieldOptions Stores settings related to updating document fields in files loaded by the Rich Edit control.
TdxVerticalRulerOptions Stores the vertical ruler’s settings.


Name Description
TdxCssPropertiesExportType Enumerates the available cascade style sheet (CSS) information export technique.
TdxExportFinalParagraphMark Enumerates criteria used to determine whether to place a final paragraph mark following the content in an exported RTF file.
TdxExportImageSize Enumerates options that specify how the Rich Edit control’s HTML export routines treat image dimensions in the source document.
TdxExportRootTag Enumerates available options that determine which root HTML tags the export routines use.
TdxHtmlFontUnit Enumerates measurement units that specify all font sizes in an exported HTML file.
TdxHtmlNumberingListExportFormat Enumerates available list mark options in an exported HTML file.
TdxRichEditRangePermissionVisibility Enumerates edit permission indication modes.
TdxRtfNumberingListExportFormat Enumerates numbered list export modes.
TdxRtfRunBackColorExportMode Enumerates RTF document background color export modes.
TdxUriExportType Enumerates available types of references to external resources that exported HTML documents use.


Name Description
TdxInsertOptions Enumerates sources of the text formatting applied to the pasted document fragment.