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dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF(TdxPDFDocument,string,Double,TObject,TcxRotationAngle) Method

Saves the loaded PDF document as a TIFF image file.


function dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF(ADocument: TdxPDFDocument; const AFileName: string; const AZoomFactor: Double; AHandler: TObject = nil; ARotationAngle: TcxRotationAngle = ra0): Boolean;


Name Type
ADocument TdxPDFDocument
AFileName string
AZoomFactor Double
AHandler TObject
ARotationAngle TcxRotationAngle




This global function returns True if a document passed as the ADocument parameter is successfully exported; otherwise, False. Use the AZoomFactor parameter to specify a zoom factor value that should be applied to the exported document. If required, the optional AHandler parameter allows you to specify a custom handler. Additionally, you can apply a rotation angle to all pages of the exported PDF document via the optional ARotationAngle parameter.

The first overloaded variant of the dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF function allows you to save all the PDF document pages as a set of TIFF image frames stored within the Smart Image container passed as the AImage parameter.

The second overloaded variant allows you to export the entire loaded PDF document as a multi-page TIFF file whose name is passed as the AFileName parameter.

Both overloaded variants of the dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF function export the entire document content as TIFF frames. If you need to save only specific pages as bitmaps, use the dxPDFDocumentExportToImage or dxPDFDocumentExportToPNG function instead.

For detailed information (including code examples) on the dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF function, refer to the How to Export a PDF Document to a TIFF File topic.


The first overloaded dxPDFDocumentExportToTIFF global function does not create a Smart Image container internally; you must pass a valid instance of the TdxSmartImage class or its descendant as the function’s AImage parameter to save all document pages as a multi-frame TIFF image.

See Also