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TdxMapPolygon Properties

A map polygon.
Name Description
Attributes Provides access to arbitrary data (also called attributes) associated with the map item. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
Collection Specifies the collection containing the current element. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DisplayName Specifies the collection item’s name displayed in the collection editor. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
GeoPoints Provides access to the map item’s geographical point collection. Inherited from TdxMapCustomMultiPointItem.
Hint Specifies a hint message for the map item. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
ID Gets the unique identifier of the current collection element. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
Index Specifies the zero-based index of the current element in the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
ScreenTip Associates the map item with a ScreenTip. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
Selected Specifies if the map item is selected. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
Style Provides access to the appearance settings applied to the map item in the normal state. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
StyleHot Provides access to the appearance settings applied to the map item when it is hot-tracked. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
StyleSelected Provides access to the appearance settings applied to the map item when it is selected. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TitleOptions Provides access to the settings that specify the title text and its visibility within the map item. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Switches the visibility of the map item. Inherited from TdxMapItem.
See Also