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InheritanceAttribute Class

Specifies where an entity descendant class stores its data.


InheritanceAttribute = class(


Defining class inheritance with the InheritanceAttribute requires that you specify where each entity class descendant stores its data. You can accomplish this by passing a TdxMapInheritanceType option as the attribute’s parameter. The attribute uses the TdxMapInheritanceType.ParentTable option if nothing is passed. Storing data in the ancestor’s table (corresponds to the TdxMapInheritanceType.ParentTable option) expects that you:

  • Introduce a discriminator column in the ancestor using the DiscriminatorColumnAttribute;

  • Provide this class and each entity descendant class with a discriminator column value that uniquely identifies their rows in the table using the DiscriminatorAttribute.

Entity class descendants inherit their primary keys from their ancestors – so you need to identify it only once per inheritance tree (in the ancestor).

The following code examples show how to define class inheritance for a simple entity model using the attributes described above. Note how the TdxMapInheritanceType options affect the resulting data store schemas.

Consider an entity model including two entities:

  • A Person entity containing generic personal information;

  • An Employee entity (a Person descendant), extending its ancestor with employment information.

The following entity model uses the TdxMapInheritanceType.ParentTable option to store the Employee entity’s information in the Person entity’s table. A discriminator column called ‘Discriminator’ is added to this table, providing identity values for Person and Employee entity rows (0 and 1, respectively).

  ..., dxEMF.Core, dxEMF.Attributes, dxEMF.Types;
  TPerson = class
  strict private
    FId: Integer;
    FAge: Integer;
    FName: string;
    property Id: Integer read FId;
    property Age: Integer read FAge write FAge;
    property Name: string read FName write FName;
  TEmployee = class(TPerson)
  strict private
    FHireDate: TDate;
    FJob: string;
    property HireDate: TDate read FHireDate write FHireDate;
    property Job: string read FJob write FJob;

Calling the CreateSchema procedure of a session component connected to an empty SQLite database and passing ‘TEmployee’ as a parameter creates the following schema:

The following entity model uses the TdxMapInheritanceType.OwnTable option to store the Employee entity’s information in a separate table. With this option, the entity classes no longer require the DiscriminatorColumnAttribute and DiscriminatorAttribute.

  ..., dxEMF.Core, dxEMF.Attributes, dxEMF.Types;
  TPerson = class
  strict private
    FId: Integer;
    FAge: Integer;
    FName: string;
    property Id: Integer read FId;
    property Age: Integer read FAge write FAge;
    property Name: string read FName write FName;
  TEmployee = class(TPerson)
  strict private
    FHireDate: TDate;
    FJob: string;
    property HireDate: TDate read FHireDate write FHireDate;
    property Job: string read FJob write FJob;

Calling the CreateSchema procedure and passing ‘TEmployee’ as a parameter now produces the following schema in an empty SQLite database:


See Also