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TdxChartCustomSeries.AssignFrom(TdxChartCustomSeries) Method

Updates all series settings from the specified source.


procedure AssignFrom(ASource: TdxChartCustomSeries); virtual;


Name Type Description
ASource TdxChartCustomSeries

The source series.


Call the AssignFrom procedure to copy settings between series. For example, AssignFrom is useful when you need to apply the same appearance settings to multiple series.

Code Example: Bound Mode

The following code example creates three line series with identical appearance settings in bound mode:

  AXYDiagram: TdxChartXYDiagram;
  AXYSeriesAmericas, AXYSeriesEurope, AXYSeriesAfrica: TdxChartXYSeries;
  ALineView: TdxChartXYSeriesLineView;
  ADataBinding: TdxChartXYSeriesDBDataBinding;
  dxChartControl1.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
    dxChartControl1.Titles.Add.Text := 'Historic, Current, and Future Population Projection';
    AXYDiagram := dxChartControl1.AddDiagram<TdxChartXYDiagram>;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Text := 'Population mid-year, millions';
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisX.Interlaced := True;
    AXYSeriesEurope := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('Europe');  // Creates a new series with the caption "Europe"
    AXYSeriesEurope.ShowInLegend := TdxChartSeriesShowInLegend.Diagram;
    ADataBinding := AXYSeriesEurope.DataBinding as TdxChartXYSeriesDBDataBinding;
    ADataBinding.DataSource := dsPopulation;  // Assigns a data source
    ADataBinding.DataSource.DataSet := mdPopulation;  // Assigns a dataset
    ADataBinding.DataSource.DataSet.Active := True;  // Enables the assigned dataset
    ADataBinding.ArgumentField.FieldName := 'Year';  // Specifies the source dataset field for arguments
    ADataBinding.ValueField.FieldName := 'Europe';  // Specifies the source dataset field for values
    AXYSeriesEurope.ViewType := 'Line';  // Selects the Line series View
    ALineView := TdxChartXYSeriesLineView(AXYSeriesEurope.View);
    ALineView.Markers.Visible := True;  // Displays value markers
    ALineView.ValueLabels.Visible := True;  // Displays value labels
    ALineView.Appearance.StrokeOptions.Width := 2;  // Increases line width
    AXYSeriesAmericas := AXYDiagram.AddSeries;  // Creates a new series with the default settings
    AXYSeriesAmericas.AssignFrom(AXYSeriesEurope);  // Copies all settings from the "Europe" series
    AXYSeriesAmericas.Caption := 'Americas';  // Defines a different series caption
    // Specifies a different source dataset field for values
    TdxChartXYSeriesDBDataBinding(AXYSeriesAmericas).ValueField.FieldName := 'Americas';
    AXYSeriesAfrica := AXYDiagram.AddSeries;  // Creates a new series with the default settings
    AXYSeriesAfrica.AssignFrom(AXYSeriesEurope);  // Copies all settings from the "Europe" series
    AXYSeriesAfrica.Caption := 'Africa';  // Defines a different series caption
    // Specifies a different source dataset field for values
    TdxChartXYSeriesDBDataBinding(AXYSeriesAfrica).ValueField.FieldName := 'Africa';
    dxChartControl1.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

 The VCL Chart Control with Three Line Series

Code Example: Unbound Mode

The following code example creates three stacked bar series with identical appearance settings in unbound data access mode:

  AXYDiagram: TdxChartXYDiagram;
  AXY2018Series, AXY2019Series, AXY2020Series: TdxChartXYSeries;
  AStackedBarView: TdxChartXYSeriesStackedBarView;
  dxChartControl1.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
    AXYDiagram := dxChartControl1.AddDiagram<TdxChartXYDiagram>('DevAV Sales By Region');
    AXYDiagram.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 20;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Text := 'Millions of Dollars';
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 14;
    AXY2018Series := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2018');  // Creates a new series with the caption "2018"
    AXY2018Series.DataBindingType := 'Unbound';  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    // Changes the argument field type to "string"
    TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding(AXY2018Series.DataBinding).ArgumentField.ValueType := 'string';
    AXY2018Series.ViewType := 'StackedBar';  // Selects the Stacked Bar series View
    AStackedBarView := AXY2018Series.View as TdxChartXYSeriesStackedBarView;
    AStackedBarView.ValueLabels.Visible := True;  // Displays value labels on bars
    AStackedBarView.ValueLabels.NumberFormat := '0.000';  // Changes the number display format
    AStackedBarView.ValueLabels.Appearance.FontOptions.Bold := True;
    AXY2018Series.Points.Add('Asia', 4.2372);
    AXY2018Series.Points.Add('Australia', 1.7871);
    AXY2018Series.Points.Add('Europe', 3.0884);
    AXY2018Series.Points.Add('North America', 3.4855);
    AXY2018Series.Points.Add('South America', 1.6027);
    AXY2019Series := AXYDiagram.AddSeries;  // Creates a new series with the default settings
    AXY2019Series.AssignFrom(AXY2018Series);  // Copies all settings from the "2018" series
    AXY2019Series.Caption := '2019';  // Defines a different series caption
    AXY2019Series.Points.Add('Asia', 4.7685);
    AXY2019Series.Points.Add('Australia', 1.9576);
    AXY2019Series.Points.Add('Europe', 3.3579);
    AXY2019Series.Points.Add('North America', 3.7477);
    AXY2019Series.Points.Add('South America', 1.8237);
    AXY2020Series := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2020');  // Creates a new series with the default settings
    AXY2020Series.AssignFrom(AXY2018Series);  // Copies all settings from the "2018" series
    AXY2020Series.Caption := '2020';  // Defines a different series caption
    AXY2020Series.Points.Add('Asia', 5.289);
    AXY2020Series.Points.Add('Australia', 2.2727);
    AXY2020Series.Points.Add('Europe', 3.7257);
    AXY2020Series.Points.Add('North America', 4.1825);
    AXY2020Series.Points.Add('South America', 2.1172);
    dxChartControl1.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

The VCL Chart Control with Three Stacked Bar Series

See Also