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TdxBarManager Properties

A bar manager.
Name Description
AllowCallFromAnotherForm Enables a user to activate items of the main application form when another application form is focused.
AllowReset Specifies whether an end-user can restore a selected toolbar.
AlwaysMerge Specifies when a merge mechanism for toolbars and menus of parent and child MDI windows is enabled.
AlwaysSaveText Determines whether the text that has been typed in an editor is saved when it loses focus.
AutoAlignBars Specifies whether toolbars within the same row are automatically aligned to each other, ensuring no gaps between them.
AutoDockColor Specifies whether a dock control has the color of the parent form‘s background.
AutoHideEmptyBars Specifies whether the current bar manager’s toolbars with invisible items are visible.
Backgrounds Specifies the background bitmaps used by the current bar manager’s toolbars and submenus.
BarControlFocused protected Determines if the current bar manager has a focused toolbar control.
Bars Provides access to a collection of the current bar manager’s toolbars.
BarsLoading Specifies whether the toolbars of the current bar manager is being loaded.
ButtonArrowWidth Specifies the width of dropdown buttons which belong to the current bar manager’s buttons in pixels.
CanCustomize Specifies whether the current bar manager’s toolbars can be customized at runtime.
Categories Provides access to the bar manager’s categories.
CategoryItemsVisible Specifies whether the items of a particular category are visible.
CategoryVisible Specifies whether a particular category is visible.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
DefaultPainter Provides access to the default painter used to paint toolbar controls and dock controls on a graphic surface.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
Designing Indicates whether the bar manager is in design mode.
DisabledImages This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.DisabledImages property instead.
DisabledLargeImages This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.DisabledLargeImages property instead.
DockColor Specifies the color of dock controls within the current bar manager.
DockControlCount Returns a count of the dock controls that belong to the current bar manager.
DockControls Returns a particular dock control in a bar manager’s collection of dock controls.
Dragging protected Indicates whether the current bar manager’s item is being dragged.
DraggingItem protected Specifies the current bar manager’s item whose control is being dragged.
DraggingItemLink protected Specifies the item link of the item control that is being dragged.
FakeComponentLink1 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink2 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink3 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FlatCloseButton Specifies the border style of the Close button on the current bar manager’s main menu.
FocusedBarControl protected Specifies the focused toolbar control.
Font Specifies the font of the current bar manager’s items, toolbars, popup menus, hints and the Customization Form.
GroupCount Returns a count of the groups that belong to the current bar manager.
Groups Provides access to the item group collection.
HelpButtonGlyph Specifies a bitmap which appears on the Help button in the Customization Form.
HelpContext Specifies the numeric ID of a context-sensitive help topic for the Help button.
HideFloatingBarsWhenInactive Specifies whether floating toolbars are hidden when the form which contains the current bar manager is inactive.
HotImages This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.HotImages property instead.
ImageListBkColor This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.ImageListBkColor property instead.
ImageOptions Specifies bar item image options.
Images This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.Images property instead.
IniFileName Specifies the name of the INI file in which the current bar manager’s settings are stored.
IsCustomizing Indicates if the current bar manager is being customized.
IsDesigning Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsDestroying Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsLoading Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsMDIMaximized Returns True when the currently active MDI child window is maximized.
ItemCount Returns a count of the items which belong to the current bar manager.
Items Returns a particular item in a bar manager’s collection of items.
LargeButtonArrowWidth Specifies the width of dropdown buttons which belong to the current bar manager’s large buttons in pixels.
LargeIcons This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.LargeIcons property instead.
LargeImages This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.LargeImages property instead.
LockUpdate Enables or disables updating of the current bar manager.
LookAndFeel Specifies the look and feel of bars.
MainForm Specifies the parent form of the current bar manager.
MainMenuBar Returns the current bar manager’s toolbar that represents a main menu.
MainMenuControl Returns the current bar manager’s toolbar control that represents a main menu.
MakeDisabledImagesFaded This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.MakeDisabledImagesFaded properety instead.
MasterForm Determines the root parent window of the current bar manager.
MenuAnimations Specifies menu animation effects.
MenusShowRecentItemsFirst Determines whether the most recently used items are placed in menus above all others.
Modified Determines whether a user has made changes to the layout of the current bar manager’s toolbars and item controls.
MostRecentItemsPercents Specifies the border (in percentage) between the most recently used and the remaining menu item controls.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
NotDocking Specifies restrictions on docking toolbars.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing the current bar manager.
PainterClass Provides access to the painter class used to paint the current bar manager’s toolbars and their items.
ParentBarManager Determines the parent bar manager.
ParentForm Determines the parent window of the current bar manager.
PixelsPerInch protected Returns the DPI value corresponding to the component’s current scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
PopupMenuLinks Specifies a collection of linked controls and toolbar popup menus.
RegistryPath Specifies the registry path where the current bar manager’s settings can be stored.
Scalable protected Specifies if the component’s content should be scaled. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
Scaled Specifies whether the current bar manager’s font height is defined by the system font size.
ScaleFactor protected Returns the component’s scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
SelectedItem Specifies the selected toolbar item control.
ShowCloseButton Specifies whether the Close button is displayed on the current bar manager’s main menu.
ShowFullMenusAfterDelay Determines whether hidden items, which have not been used recently, are automatically displayed in a menu after a delay.
ShowHelpButton Specifies whether the Help button is displayed on the Customization Form.
ShowHint Determines whether a help Hint is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the current bar manager’s items.
ShowHintForDisabledItems Specifies whether to show a hint for disabled items.
ShowShortCutInHint Determines if item shortcuts are displayed with item hints.
StoreInIniFile Specifies whether the current bar manager’s settings should be stored in an INI file.
StoreInRegistry Specifies whether the current bar manager’s settings are stored in the registry.
StretchGlyphs This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.StretchGlyphs property instead.
Style Specifies bar paint style.
SunkenBorder Specifies the border style of the current bar manager’s dock controls.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
UseBarHintWindow Specifies the settings to apply to hints.
UseF10ForMenu Specifies whether the current bar manager responds to the F10 key press event.
UseFullReset Specifies which settings are restored when a toolbar is reset.
UseLargeImagesForLargeIcons This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.UseLargeImagesForLargeIcons property instead.
UseSystemFont Specifies the font used by the current bar manager to draw the toolbar controls.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
WaitForDockingTime Determines how quickly (in milliseconds) a floating toolbar is docked.
See Also