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TcxSpinButtonProperties Class

Represents the set of attributes specific to spin buttons.


TcxSpinButtonProperties = class(


The TcxSpinButtonProperties class does not define any new functionality. It simply publishes the properties declared in the TcxCustomSpinButtonProperties class. Use the Properties property to access these attributes. To control any changes made to a spin button’s DisplayFormat, EditFormat, MaxLength, MaxValue, MinValue, ReadOnly and ValueType properties and reverse their values back to the default ones, use the AssignedValues property.

The Properties.Increment property specifies the value by which the spin button’s EditValue is increased/decreased. The Properties.LargeIncrement property specifies the step while performing fast navigation. The Properties.SpinButtons property manages the spin buttons’ position and visibility of the fast buttons. The SpinButtons.ShowFastButtons property specifies the visibility of the fast navigation buttons. The SpinButtons.Position property specifies the position of the spin edit buttons.

The following screenshot shows a spin button bound to a cxComboBox control. The Properties.SpinButtons.ShowFastButtons property value is True and the Properties.SpinButtons.Position property is set to sbpHorzRight:

The spin button’s EditValue limits are determined by the Properties.MaxValue and Properties.MinValue properties.

See Also