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TcxCustomDataSource.GetDisplayText(TcxDataRecordHandle,TcxDataItemHandle) Method

Returns the text representation of a value in a specific record/column.


function GetDisplayText(ARecordHandle: TcxDataRecordHandle; AItemHandle: TcxDataItemHandle): string; virtual;


Name Type
ARecordHandle TcxDataRecordHandle
AItemHandle TcxDataItemHandle




The GetDisplayText function returns the text representation of a value in a specific record/column. The ARecordHandle parameter identifies the record handle (a unique identifier of a record) in the current data source. The AItemHandle parameter determines the item handle (a value that uniquely identifies the column and thus the field from which to return the text to display). See the TcxCustomDataSource class to obtain detailed information on record and item handles.

Before calling GetDisplayText, the GetRecordHandleByIndex and GetItemHandle methods are invoked. They return the record handle and the item handle respectively, which are passed as arguments to the GetDisplayText method.

See Also