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TcxCustomDataController.SelectRows(Integer,Integer) Method

Selects a continuous range of rows.


procedure SelectRows(AStartRowIndex: Integer; AEndRowIndex: Integer);


Name Type
AStartRowIndex Integer
AEndRowIndex Integer


Use the SelectRows method to select a continuous range of rows (potentially visible data records and grouping rows). The starting and ending row indexes of the range are specified by the AStartRowIndex and AEndRowIndex parameters.

The total number of rows is specified by the RowCount property.

In order to enable selection of more than a single row, you should set the MultiSelect property to True. Refer to the description of this property for more information.

The ChangeRowSelection method lets you change the selection state of individual rows. See the SelectAll method to select all rows.

Controls using data controllers to retrieve data from a data source provide events to control row selection. In ExpressQuantumGrid, for instance, you can handle a View’s OnSelectionChanged event for this purpose.

You can select only potentially visible rows. Thus, rows belonging to a data group being collapsed are automatically unselected.

See Also