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A column corresponds to a data source field that provides data for:

The column layout determines the position and size of data cells within a node.

All the end-user operations with a column (such as layout customization, sorting data, etc.) can be carried out using its header.

Visible columns are always associated with a certain band. If a column is not associated with any band, it’s hidden within the TreeList control.

To learn more about column functionality, please refer to the following topics:


You can sort nodes against column values via a column’s SortOrder property. End-users can add or remove columns used for sorting by clicking column headers while holding down the Shift or Ctrl key.

The table below lists the main properties that relate to columns.


The TreeList control’s OptionsView.Headers property or a column’s Visible property.


The TreeList control’s Styles.ColumnHeader property, or a column’s Styles.Header property.

To dynamically customize style settings, handle the TreeList control’s Styles.OnGetColumnHeaderStyle event.

Use the TreeList control’s OptionsView.ExtPaintStyle property to customize the appearance of column headers when the UltraFlat style is applied to the control.

Custom Draw Event

The TreeList control’s OnCustomDrawHeaderCell event.


A column’s Properties, DataBinding, Options.ShowEditButtons, and Options.CellEndEllipsis properties and OnGetDisplayText event.

The TreeList control’s OptionsView.CellEndEllipsis and OptionsView.ShowEditButtons properties.

Sort Order

The TreeList control’s SortedColumns property.

A column’s SortOrder property.


The TreeList control’s Summary.FooterSummaryItems and Summary.GroupFooterSummaryItems properties.

A column’s Summary.FooterSummaryItems and Summary.GroupFooterSummaryItems properties.


The TreeList control’s OptionsCustomizing.ColumnCustomizing, OptionsCustomizing.ColumnHiding, OptionsCustomizing.ColumnHorzSizing, OptionsCustomizing.ColumnMoving, OptionsCustomizing.StackedColumns, OptionsCustomizing.ColumnsQuickCustomization, OptionsCustomizing.ColumnVertSizing, OptionsBehavior.Sorting, and OptionsBehavior.MultiSort, properties.

A column’s Options property.

A band’s Options.OnlyOwnColumns property.

HitTest Information

The TreeList control’s HitTest.HitAtColumn property.

See Also