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List of Bar Item Types

  • 7 minutes to read

This topic provides a list of bar items that you can display in toolbars, menus, and Ribbon controls. Refer to the Creating Toolbar Items and Item Controls help topic, for additional assistance.

Each bar item is represented by a specific class derived from TdxBarItem (which is the base class for all bar items). The ExpressBars Suite offers a number of built-in bar items, but you are free to use in-place editors from the ExpressEditors Library as well as to create custom bar items using built-in bar items as the base.

The following table shows all bar item types provided by the ExpressBars Suite and their corresponding controls.

Bar Item / Bar Item Control


TdxBarButton /TdxBarButtonControl

A toolbar button. Buttons are the most common toolbar elements. This item allows you to create:

  • a standard button;

  • a toggle/check button (set the button’s ButtonStyle property to bsChecked);

  • a standard or toggle button with a dropdown menu (set the ButtonStyle property to bsDropDown or bsCheckedDropDown);

  • groups of toggle buttons (use the GroupIndex property to combine items into groups).

To define a button’s action, handle the OnClick event.

A TdxBarButton can be optionally displayed in menus using large images, provided that the LargeGlyph property is assigned.

TdxBarLargeButton /TdxBarLargeButtonControl

A large toolbar button. In addition to the features provided by a TdxBarButton, this item allows you to:

  • highlight a large button when the mouse pointer hovers over it;

  • control the glyph layout (see the GlyphLayout property).

TcxBarEditItem /TcxBarEditItemControl

A container for in-place editors from the ExpressEditors Library, including: BarCode, BlobEdit, ButtonEdit, CalcEdit, CheckBox, CheckComboBox, CheckGroup, ColorComboBox, ColorEdit, ComboBox, CurrencyEdit, DateEdit, ExtLookupComboBox, FontNameComboBox, HyperLink, Image, ImageComboBox, Label, LookupComboBox, MaskEdit, Memo, MRUEdit, OfficeSearchBox, PopupEdit, ProgressBar, RadioGroup, RatingControl, RichEdit, ShellComboBox, SpinEdit, TextEdit, TimeEdit, ToggleSwitch, and TrackBar.


the ExpressEditors Library must be installed separately.

Use the item’s PropertiesClass or PropertiesClassName property to specify the type of editor to display.

TdxBarEdit /TdxBarEditControl

A single-line text editor. This item provides standard text editing capabilities.

TdxBarSubItem /TdxBarSubItemControl

A submenu (a subitem that contains other bar items). In addition to settings that control the subitem appearance in toolbars/menus, this submenu allows you to customize the following appearance aspects of its items:

Refer to the Customizing Toolbar Items and Item Controls topic, to learn how submenus can be customized at design and runtime.

TdxBarListItem /TdxBarContainerItemControl

A numerated list of strings. Recently used files and active windows in MDI applications are the examples of these strings. Refer to the Items property for more information.


You can toggle numbering in a list via the ShowNumbers option.

TdxBarContainerItem /TdxBarContainerItemControl

A submenu with a variable number of bar items, which can be added programmatically. With this item, you can create a structure similar to Favorites in a web browser.

TdxBarLookupCombo /TdxBarLookupComboControl

A lookup combo that displays records from a dataset linked via the ListSource property.

This bar item allows you to specify:

  • the fields whose values will be displayed in a dropdown list (ListField);

  • the field whose values will be displayed in the item’s editor (ListFieldIndex);

  • the field whose values identify records in this lookup combo (KeyField).

TdxBarStatic /TdxBarStaticControl

A static text (label) in toolbars and status bars. You can optionally make this label clickable via the AllowClick property, and handle the item’s OnClick events.

TCustomdxBarCombo /TCustomdxBarComboControl

A combo box with custom dropdown windows. You can handle the OnGetDropDownWindow event to provide a window handle to display as a dropdown window for the combo box.

TdxBarCombo /TdxBarComboControl

A standard combo box that displays text strings in its dropdown list.

As with other built-in combo boxes, this bar item allows you to:

  • manage the contents of a dropdown list (Items).

  • sort items alphabetically within the dropdown list (Sorted);

  • customize appearance settings of these items by handling the OnDrawItem and OnMeasureItem events.

TdxBarColorCombo /TdxBarColorComboControl

A combo box that allows a color to be selected from:

  • a set of sixteen predefined colors;

  • a color selection dialog.

TdxBarFontNameCombo /TdxBarComboControl

A combo box that allows a font name to be selected from a list of installed fonts.

TdxBarDateCombo /TdxBarDateComboControl

A combo box that allows a date to be:

  • typed in the bar item’s editor;

  • selected from a dropdown calendar.

This bar item allows you to restrict a date to a specific date range (MinDate and MaxDate) and control appearance settings of the item’s editor (ShowDayText and DateOnStart) and dropdown calendar window (ShowClearButton and ShowTodayButton).

TdxBarTreeViewCombo /TdxBarTreeViewComboControl

A combo box that displays tree-structured data within its dropdown window.

This bar item allows you to:

TdxBarImageCombo /TdxBarImageComboControl

A combo box that displays a list of text stings and images within its dropdown window.

This bar item allows you to:

  • provide images for dropdown list items (Images);

  • associate these items with images (ImageIndexes). At design time, this can be done using a specially designed editor;

  • control the visibility of text strings (ShowText).

TdxBarToolbarsListItem /TdxBarToolbarsListItemControl

A checked list of existing toolbars. At runtime, an end-user can click a check box to toggle the visible state of the corresponding toolbar. A similar functionality is provided by the Quick Customization Popup Menu.


This bar item is not intended for use in the Ribbon control.

TdxBarSpinEdit /TdxBarSpinEditControl

Allows numeric values to be edited using spin buttons.

This bar item allows you to specify:

  • the type (integer or float) of a value being edited (ValueType);

  • upper/lower limits for a value (MaxValue and MinValue);

  • a prefix/postfix to be displayed with a value (Prefix and PrefixPlace). These are useful to display currency and percentage values;

  • an incrementing/decrementing value (Increment).

TdxBarControlContainerItem /TdxBarControlContainerControl

A container for external controls. Use the Control property to embed a control into a toolbar.


Only controls that have no window handles can be placed into submenus.

TdxBarProgressItem /TdxBarProgressControl

Displays a progress bar that can be used, for instance, to show the progress of lengthy operations such as file loading and document processing.

This bar item allows you to:

  • specify the initial, current, and end positions (Min, Position, Max);

  • customize appearance settings of a progress indicator (Color, Smooth, Step).

TdxBarMRUListItem /TdxBarContainerItemControl

A list of most recently used (MRU) items (such as opened files and documents). End-users can click a list item to perform an action associated with these items.

This bar item allows you to:

TdxBarInplaceSubItem /TdxBarInPlaceSubItemControl

An expandable subitem in a submenu. Unlike the TdxBarSubItem, this bar item displays its contents within a parent submenu, when clicked.

This bar item allows you to:

TdxBarSeparator /TdxBarSeparatorControl

An item separator in context menus and submenus. You can toggle its visibility via the ShowCaption property.

TdxRibbonGalleryItem /TdxRibbonGalleryItemControl

An in-Ribbon gallery. To provide content for the gallery, use the GalleryCategories property. Use the GalleryOptions property to customize its appearance settings.

TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem /TdxBarContainerItemControl

A bar item that provides advanced color selection capabilities. Refer to the TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem class description to learn about them.

See Also