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DockControllerBase Methods
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The base class for DockControllers that provide methods to perform docking operations on panels.
Name Description
Activate(BaseLayoutItem) Activates the specified item.
Activate(BaseLayoutItem, Boolean) Activates the specified item.
AddDocumentGroup(DockType) Creates a DocumentGroup, and docks it to the DockLayoutManager container (root group).
AddDocumentPanel(DocumentGroup) Adds a new DocumentPanel to the specified DocumentGroup.
AddDocumentPanel(DocumentGroup, Uri) Adds a new DocumentPanel to the specified DocumentGroup and loads the contents of a Window, Page or UserControl defined in the specified XAML into the DocumentPanel.
AddDocumentPanel(Point, Size) Adds an empty floating DocumentPanel.
AddDocumentPanel(Point, Size, Uri) Adds a new floating DocumentPanel and loads the contents of a Window, Page or UserControl defined in the specified XAML into the DocumentPanel.
AddPanel(DockType) Creates a LayoutPanel and docks it at the specified side of the DockLayoutManager container (root group).
AddPanel(Point, Size) Creates a floating panel with the specified size and displays it at the specified location.
Close(BaseLayoutItem) Closes the specified item.
CloseAllButThis(BaseLayoutItem) Closes all items except the specified one within this item's container.
CreateCommand<T>(BaseLayoutItem) Creates the specified dock command for the specified item/pane.
CreateNewDocumentGroup(DocumentPanel, Orientation) Creates a new DocumentGroup and moves the specified DocumentPanel to it.
CreateNewDocumentGroup(LayoutPanel, Orientation) Creates a new DocumentGroup and moves the specified LayoutPanel to it.
Dock(BaseLayoutItem) Docks the specified item. This method is in effect for newly created, floating, auto-hidden or closed(hidden) items.
Dock(BaseLayoutItem, BaseLayoutItem, DockType) Docks the first item to the second item using the specified dock type.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Float(BaseLayoutItem) Makes the specified item floating.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Hide(BaseLayoutItem) Enables the auto-hide functionality for the item/panel and hides it at a corresponding edge of the DockLayoutManager container.
Hide(BaseLayoutItem, AutoHideGroup) Enables the auto-hide functionality for the item/panel and hides it within the specified AutoHideGroup group.
Hide(BaseLayoutItem, Dock)
Insert(LayoutGroup, BaseLayoutItem, Int32) Inserts the specified item into the specified group at a specific position.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MoveToDocumentGroup(DocumentPanel, Boolean) Moves the specified DocumentPanel to the previous or next DocumentGroup.
MoveToDocumentGroup(LayoutPanel, Boolean) Moves the specified LayoutPanel to the previous or next DocumentGroup.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemovePanel(LayoutPanel) Removes any connection of the specified panel with the DockLayoutManager.
Rename(BaseLayoutItem) Starts dock item renaming.
Restore(BaseLayoutItem) Restores a closed (hidden) panel at its previous dock position.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also