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ClosedPanelCollection Class

Represents a collection of closed (hidden) panels.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public class ClosedPanelCollection :

#Returned By

The DockLayoutManager.ClosedPanels property returns an instance of ClosedPanelCollection.


To create a closed (hidden) panel in XAML, you need to add it to the DockLayoutManager.ClosedPanels collection.

At runtime, an end-user can restore a panel from the closed (hidden) state via the Closed Panels bar, whose visibility is controlled by the DockLayoutManager.ClosedPanelsBarVisibility property. In code, a closed panel can be restored via the DockController.Restore or DockController.Dock method of the DockLayoutManager.DockController object.

See Also