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LayoutControlItem Class

An object supporting the layout functionality, capable of displaying a control with a label.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public class LayoutControlItem :


A LayoutControlItem object can display an external control, and a label next to the control. The item's control and label are specified by the LayoutControlItem.Control and BaseLayoutItem.Caption properties, respectively. You can position the label at any edge of the control (via the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionLocation property) or hide the label (via the BaseLayoutItem.ShowCaption property).


LayoutControlItem objects are used to build layouts of controls within Layout Groups, and therefore, Layout Panels. To build a layout, combine LayoutControlItems into LayoutGroups, according to your arrangement requirements.

See Layout Control Items to learn more.


The following image shows the result of the XAML execution:



See Also