AutoHideType Enum
In This Article
Contains values that identify possible auto-hide positions for dock panels.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll
Name | Description |
Default | Identifies the default location where a dock panel is auto-hidden. The default auto-hide location is calculated automatically, based on the panel's location and state. |
Left | A dock panel is auto-hidden at the left edge of the container. |
Top | A dock panel is auto-hidden at the top edge of the container. |
Right | A dock panel is auto-hidden at the right edge of the container. |
Bottom | A dock panel is auto-hidden at the bottom edge of the container. |
This enumeration provides values for the AutoHideGroup.AutoHideType property.
See Also