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ClosePageButtonShowMode Enum

Enumerates values that specify whether Close buttons are displayed in individual tab pages, the tab control's header, or in both.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public enum ClosePageButtonShowMode


Name Description

The same as the ClosePageButtonShowMode.InTabControlHeader option.


The Close button is displayed in the tab container's header


Close buttons are displayed on all pages. The Close button on the container's header is hidden.


A Close button is displayed on the active page. The Close button on the container's header is hidden.


Close buttons are displayed on all pages and on the container's header.


Close buttons are displayed in the tab container's header, and within the active page.


Close buttons are not displayed.

#Passed To

You can pass ClosePageButtonShowMode values to the DocumentGroup.ClosePageButtonShowMode property.


The DocumentGroup objects support the tabbed interface. It provides the DocumentGroup.ClosePageButtonShowMode property, that controls the display of Close buttons in individual tab pages and the group's header.

See Also