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LayoutGroup Class

A group of items, arranged side by side (either horizontally or vertically) or using the tabbed UI (the tabbed UI, is only supported when combining layout items).

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public class LayoutGroup :

#Returned By

Properties that return LayoutGroup instances:


A LayoutGroup object arranges its items side by side (either horizontally or vertically) or using the tabbed UI (the tabbed UI is supported when the LayoutGroup is used to combine layout items).

When child items are arranged side by side, you can change the group's orientation via the LayoutGroup.Orientation property. You can add other LayoutGroups as children to a LayoutGroup, creating a complex layout.

LayoutGroups can be used to combine either dock items or layout items. A single layout group cannot combine dock and layout items at the same time.

A LayoutGroup can be displayed with or without borders. Typically, you enable borders for the LayoutGroups that are used to combine layout items, rather than dock items. The border paint style, specified by the LayoutGroup.GroupBorderStyle property, also affects the appearance of the group's header, displaying the group's caption plus any other required elements (for instance, the expand button). The group's caption is visible if the group borders are enabled and the BaseLayoutItem.ShowCaption inherited property is set to true. Setting the LayoutGroup.GroupBorderStyle property to GroupBorderStyle.Tabbed enables the tabbed UI, where child elements are displayed as tabs.

See Layout Groups to learn more.


The following image shows the created structure of dock panels:


See Also