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DockControllerBase.AddDocumentPanel(Point, Size, Uri) Method

Adds a new floating DocumentPanel and loads the contents of a Window, Page or UserControl defined in the specified XAML into the DocumentPanel.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public DocumentPanel AddDocumentPanel(
    Point floatLocation,
    Size floatSize,
    Uri uri


Name Type Description
floatLocation Point

A Point object specifying a position of the left top corner of the created DocumentPanel.

floatSize Size

A Size object specifying the height and width of the created DocumentPanel.

uri Uri

A Uri object specifying the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the XAML that defines a Window, Page or UserControl to be loaded into the created DocumentPanel.


Type Description

The created DocumentPanel object.


This method creates a floating DocumentPanel, not included in any existing DocumentGroups. See the method overload list to learn about other ways to add panels.


DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.IDockController.AddDocumentPanel(Point, Size, Uri)
See Also