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DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Charts Namespace

Contains interfaces and enumerations which implement the spreadsheet charting functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


Name Description
ChartData Data plotted on a chart.


Name Description
Axis Represents an axis on a chart.
AxisCollection A collection that stores axes in the chart.
AxisScaling Contains axis scaling options.
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions Contains options for box and whisker data series.
Chart An embedded chart on a worksheet.
ChartCollection A collection of Chart objects in a worksheet.
ChartLineOptions Contains display settings for specific lines shown on a chart.
ChartObject Contains basic properties and methods for embedded charts and chart sheets.
ChartOptions Contains various options available for a chart.
ChartText The text displayed in the chart element.
ChartTitle A chart title.
ChartTitleOptions Contains common options for the chart and axis titles.
ChartView Consolidates data series of the same type and contains series customization options.
ChartViewCollection A collection of chart views in a chart.
DataLabel A data label on a point of the chart series.
DataLabelBase Contains basic data label options and serves as the base for the DataLabelOptions interface.
DataLabelCollection A collection that stores customized data labels and data label options for a series in the chart.
DataLabelOptions Contains data label options.
DataPoint Specifies the appearance of the data point in a chart series.
DataPointCollection A collection that stores custom settings for data points and data point options for the series in the chart.
DataTableOptions Contains display options for the chart data table.
DisplayUnitOptions Contains options used to specify the display units for the value axis.
ErrorBarsCollection A collection of error bars for the series.
ErrorBarsOptions Contains options for a chart series error bar.
HistogramSeriesOptions Contains options for histogram and Pareto series.
LayoutOptions Specifies the exact position of the chart element.
LayoutPosition A container to hold a value and specify how it should be interpreted.
Legend A legend in a chart.
LegendEntry A single legend entry in a chart legend.
LegendEntryCollection A collection that stores customized legend entries for a series in the chart.
Marker Represents a data marker displayed at each data point in the series on the line, scatter or radar chart.
NumberFormatOptions Allows you to specify a number format used to display numeric values in chart elements (axis labels, data labels, and trendline labels).
PlotArea The chart’s background in which data series, axes, gridlines and data labels are displayed.
Series A data series in a chart.
SeriesCollection A collection that stores data series in the chart.
SeriesLayoutOptions Contains series options for Excel 2016 charts.
ShapeFormat Contains options used to format chart elements.
ShapeTextFormat Contains options for a text displayed in a chart element.
SubtotalDataPointCollection A collection of data points that are displayed as totals in a waterfall chart.
SurfaceOptions Contains formatting options for a particular surface of a 3-D chart.
TreemapSeriesOptions Contains options for treemap data series.
Trendline A trendline in a chart that shows trends in the series data.
TrendlineCollection A collection that stores the Trendline objects for the specified series.
TrendlineLabel A label displayed on a trendline.
UpDownBarsOptions Contains settings used to display up-down bars on a 2-D line or stock chart.
View3DOptions Contains display options for three-dimensional charts.
WaterfallSeriesOptions Contains options for waterfall data series.


Name Description
AxisCrossPosition Lists values used to specify the position of the crossing point where the value and category axes intersect.
AxisCrossType Lists values that specify the intersection point for chart axes.
AxisGroup Lists values used to specify the type of axis group for a series in a chart.
AxisLabelAlignment Lists values used to specify the text alignment for the category axis labels.
AxisOrientation Lists values used to specify the orientation of the axis.
AxisPosition Lists values that specify the axis position on a chart.
AxisTickLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of axis labels.
AxisTickMarks Lists values used to specify the position of the tick marks on the axis.
AxisTimeUnits Lists values used to specify the time units for the date axis.
AxisType Lists values used to specify the type of the axis.
BarShape Lists shapes used to visualize a data point in 3D bar or column charts.
BubbleSizeRepresents Lists values used to specify what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart.
ChartColorPalette Lists color palettes for Microsoft® Excel® 2016 charts.
ChartDataDirection Lists values used to specify the direction in which data series are retrieved.
ChartProtection Lists values used to specify the capability of an end-user to interact with the protected chart.
ChartStyle Lists chart styles.
ChartTextType Lists sources of the text displayed in a chart element.
ChartTrendlineType Specifies how the trendline for a series data is calculated.
ChartType Lists chart types.
DataLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of data labels on the chart.
DisplayBlanksAs Lists values used to specify how empty cells are displayed on a chart.
DisplayUnitType Lists values that specify display units for the value axis.
ErrorBarDirection Lists values that indicate the error bar direction.
ErrorBarType Lists values that indicate the error bar type.
ErrorBarValueType Lists values that indicate the error value type.
HistogramBinType Lists values that specify how to calculate bin intervals for a histogram series.
HistogramIntervalClosedSide Lists values that specify the closed side of histogram bins.
HistogramOverflowType Lists values that specify how to create the overflow and underflow bins on a histogram chart.
LayoutMode Lists the possible interpretations of the Width and Height properties which specify the position of a chart element.
LayoutTarget Specifies whether the plot area used to measure the layout should be inner or outer.
LegendPosition Lists positions of the legend on a chart.
MarkerStyle Lists values that specify the shape of markers which can be painted at each data point in the series on the line, scatter or radar chart and within the chart legend.
OfPieSplitType Lists values used to specify the possible ways to split a Pie of Pie or Bar of Pie chart.
QuartileCalculationMethod Lists values that specify the quartile calculation method for a box and whisker series.
ShapeTextDirection Lists values used to specify the text direction in a chart element.
TreemapParentLabelLayout Lists display options for parent labels in a treemap chart.