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PdfXYZDestination.Zoom Property

Gets the contents of the page magnified by the zoom factor.

Namespace: DevExpress.Pdf

Assembly: DevExpress.Pdf.v18.2.Core.dll


public double? Zoom { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A nullable double value that is the zoom factor.


This example shows how to create a bookmark with a destination corresponding to the found text in a document.

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports DevExpress.Pdf

Namespace Destination
    Friend Class Program

        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Create a PDF document processor.
            Using documentProcessor As New PdfDocumentProcessor()

                ' Define search words.
                Dim words() As String = { "DX-B5000", "DX-RX800" }

                ' Load a PDF document. 

                ' Specify the search parameters.
                Dim searchParameters As New PdfTextSearchParameters()
                searchParameters.CaseSensitive = True
                searchParameters.WholeWords = True

                ' Get bookmark list. 
                Dim bookmarks As IList(Of PdfBookmark) = documentProcessor.Document.Bookmarks
                For Each word As String In words
                    ' Get the search results from the FindText method called with search text and search parameters.
                    Dim results As PdfTextSearchResults = documentProcessor.FindText(word, searchParameters)

                    ' If the desired text is found, create a destination that corresponds to the found text
                    ' to be displayed at the upper corner of the window.
                    If results.Status = PdfTextSearchStatus.Found Then
                        Dim destination As New PdfXYZDestination(results.Page, 0, results.Rectangles(0).Top, Nothing)

                        ' Create a bookmark with the search word shown as title and the destination.      
                        Dim bookmark As New PdfBookmark() With {.Title = word, .Destination = destination}

                        ' Add the bookmark to the bookmark list.
                    End If
                Next word
                ' Save the modified document.
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
See Also