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PdfGraphicsAcroFormListBoxField Properties

Represents a list box field.
Name Description
Appearance Specifies the appearance settings for the interactive form field. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
MultiSelect Specifies whether multiple items can be selected simultaneously in the list box field.
Name Specifies the interactive form field name. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
Print Specifies whether the current form field is printed. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
ReadOnly Gets or sets whether the interactive form field allows editing. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
Rectangle Specifies a rectangle inside which an interactive form field is located on a page. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormCommonField.
Required Gets or sets the required status of the interactive form field. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
Rotation Specifies the rotation to apply to interactive form field. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
TextAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of the interactive form field’s text. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormCommonField.
ToolTip Specifies the form field’s tooltip text. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
TopIndex Specifies the index of the first visible item in the list box field.
Visible Specifies whether the form field is visible on the page. Inherited from PdfGraphicsAcroFormField.
See Also