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How to: Archive Selected Files

To archive selected files create a ZipArchive class instance and call its AddFile method for each selected file.

To store a file without its path, call the ZipArchive.AddFile method with the “/“ parameter. The file is placed in the root node of the archive. Call the ZipArchive.Save method. The archive is created and saved to a specified location.

This code snippet demonstrates how to create a new archive and add files with .txt and .docx extensions to the archive root. The ZipArchive.Save method compresses data and saves the archive to a file.

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using DevExpress.Compression;

public void ArchiveFiles() {
    string[] sourcefiles = this.sourceFiles;
    string[] ext = new string[] {".txt", ".docx"};
    using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive()) {
        foreach (string file in sourcefiles) {
            if (ext.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))
            archive.AddFile(file, "/");