How to: Save Selected Image to a File
The code sample below retrieves all images in the specific document range and exports them in the PNG format.
Document document = server.Document;
document.LoadDocument("Documents\\MovieRentals.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
DocumentRange myRange = document.CreateRange(0, 100);
// Obtain all images im the specific range:
ReadOnlyDocumentImageCollection images = document.Images.Get(myRange);
// Export the retrieved images as png files:
if (images.Count > 0)
DevExpress.Office.Utils.OfficeImage myImage = images[0].Image;
System.Drawing.Image image = myImage.NativeImage;
string imageName = String.Format("Image_at_pos_{0}.png", images[0].Range.Start.ToInt());
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", "/select," + imageName);