How to: Create New Character Style
The following example illustrates how to create a character style in code.
To achieve the required result, do the following:
- Create a new style using the CharacterStyleCollection.CreateNew method;
- Specify the style settings with the use of corresponding CharacterStyle object properties;
- Add the style to the collection of character styles, represented by the CharacterStyleCollection object. To do that, use the CharacterStyleCollection.Add method. The collection is accessible through the Document.CharacterStyles property.
Document document = server.Document;
server.LoadDocument("Documents\\Grimm.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
CharacterStyle cstyle = document.CharacterStyles["MyCStyle"];
if (cstyle == null)
cstyle = document.CharacterStyles.CreateNew();
cstyle.Name = "MyCStyle";
cstyle.Parent = document.CharacterStyles["Default Paragraph Font"];
cstyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
cstyle.Strikeout = StrikeoutType.Double;
cstyle.FontName = "Verdana";
DocumentRange myRange = document.Paragraphs[0].Range;
CharacterProperties charProps =
charProps.Style = cstyle;