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How to: Bookmark Search Results in a Document

  • 3 minutes to read


You require a license to the DevExpress Office File API or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use these examples in production code. Refer to the DevExpress Subscription page for pricing information.

This example shows how to create a bookmark with a destination corresponding to the found text in a document.

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports DevExpress.Pdf

Namespace Destination
    Friend Class Program

        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Create a PDF document processor.
            Using documentProcessor As New PdfDocumentProcessor()

                ' Define search words.
                Dim words() As String = { "DX-B5000", "DX-RX800" }

                ' Load a PDF document. 

                ' Specify the search parameters.
                Dim searchParameters As New PdfTextSearchParameters()
                searchParameters.CaseSensitive = True
                searchParameters.WholeWords = True

                ' Get bookmark list. 
                Dim bookmarks As IList(Of PdfBookmark) = documentProcessor.Document.Bookmarks
                For Each word As String In words
                    ' Get the search results from the FindText method called with search text and search parameters.
                    Dim results As PdfTextSearchResults = documentProcessor.FindText(word, searchParameters)

                    ' If the desired text is found, create a destination that corresponds to the found text
                    ' to be displayed at the upper corner of the window.
                    If results.Status = PdfTextSearchStatus.Found Then
                        Dim destination As New PdfXYZDestination(results.Page, 0, results.Rectangles(0).Top, Nothing)

                        ' Create a bookmark with the search word shown as title and the destination.      
                        Dim bookmark As New PdfBookmark() With {.Title = word, .Destination = destination}

                        ' Add the bookmark to the bookmark list.
                    End If
                Next word
                ' Save the modified document.
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
See Also