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TabView Members

A view that displays content in related items at the same level of hierarchy.


Name Description
TabView() Initializes a TabView instance with the default settings.


Name Description
HeaderPanelBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelBackgroundColor dependency property.
HeaderPanelContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelContentAlignment dependency property.
HeaderPanelHeightProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelHeight dependency property.
HeaderPanelIndentProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelIndent dependency property.
HeaderPanelItemSpacingProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelItemSpacing dependency property.
HeaderPanelMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelMaxHeight dependency property.
HeaderPanelMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelMaxWidth dependency property.
HeaderPanelMinHeightProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelMinHeight dependency property.
HeaderPanelMinWidthProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelMinWidth dependency property.
HeaderPanelPositionProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelPosition dependency property.
HeaderPanelShadowColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelShadowColor dependency property.
HeaderPanelShadowHeightProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelShadowHeight dependency property.
HeaderPanelShadowRadiusProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelShadowRadius dependency property.
HeaderPanelWidthProperty static Identifies the HeaderPanelWidth dependency property.
IsHeaderPanelShadowVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsHeaderPanelShadowVisible dependency property.
IsSelectedItemIndicatorVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsSelectedItemIndicatorVisible dependency property.
ItemHeaderFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderFontAttributes dependency property.
ItemHeaderFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderFontFamily dependency property.
ItemHeaderFontSizeProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderFontSize dependency property.
ItemHeaderHeightProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderHeight dependency property.
ItemHeaderIconColorProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderIconColor dependency property.
ItemHeaderIconDataMemberProperty static
ItemHeaderIconPositionProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderIconPosition dependency property.
ItemHeaderIconSpacingProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderIconSpacing dependency property.
ItemHeaderMaxHeightProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderMaxHeight dependency property.
ItemHeaderMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderMaxWidth dependency property.
ItemHeaderMinHeightProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderMinHeight dependency property.
ItemHeaderMinWidthProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderMinWidth dependency property.
ItemHeaderPaddingProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderPadding dependency property.
ItemHeaderPlacementOnSelectionProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderPlacementOnSelection dependency property.
ItemHeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderTemplate dependency property.
ItemHeaderTextColorProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderTextColor dependency property.
ItemHeaderTextDataMemberProperty static
ItemHeaderVisibleElementsProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderVisibleElements dependency property.
ItemHeaderWidthProperty static Identifies the ItemHeaderWidth dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property.
ItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the ItemTemplate dependency property.
ScrollAnimationEnabledProperty static Identifies the ScrollAnimationEnabled dependency property.
SelectedItemHeaderBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemHeaderBackgroundColor dependency property.
SelectedItemHeaderIconColorProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemHeaderIconColor dependency property.
SelectedItemHeaderTextColorProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemHeaderTextColor dependency property.
SelectedItemIndexProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemIndex dependency property.
SelectedItemIndicatorColorProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemIndicatorColor dependency property.
SelectedItemIndicatorHeightProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemIndicatorHeight dependency property.
SelectedItemProperty static Identifies the SelectedItem dependency property.
SwipeEnabledProperty static Identifies the SwipeEnabled dependency property.


Name Description
HeaderPanelBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the view’s header panel.
HeaderPanelContentAlignment Gets or sets a value that specifies how the view aligns item headers in the header panel.
HeaderPanelHeight Gets or sets the header panel’s height when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
HeaderPanelIndent Gets or sets spacing before the first item and the panel’s start edge.
HeaderPanelItemSpacing Gets or sets the spacing between item headers.
HeaderPanelMaxHeight Gets or sets the header panel’s maximum height when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
HeaderPanelMaxWidth Gets or sets the header panel’s maximum width when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
HeaderPanelMinHeight Gets or sets the header panel’s minimum height when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
HeaderPanelMinWidth Gets or sets the header panel’s minimum width when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
HeaderPanelPosition Gets or sets the header panel’s position within the view.
HeaderPanelShadowColor Gets or sets the color the Tab View uses to paint the header panel’s shadow.
HeaderPanelShadowHeight Gets or sets the height of the header panel’s shadow.
HeaderPanelShadowRadius Gets or sets the blur radius of the header panel’s shadow.
HeaderPanelWidth Gets or sets the header panel’s width when the HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
IsHeaderPanelShadowVisible Gets or sets whether the Header Panel’s shadow is visible.
IsSelectedItemIndicatorVisible Gets or sets whether the Selected Item Indicator is visible.
ItemHeaderFontAttributes Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the font for item headers’ text is bold, italic, or neither.
ItemHeaderFontFamily Gets or sets the font family to which the font for item headers’ text belongs.
ItemHeaderFontSize Gets or sets the size of the font for item headers’ text.
ItemHeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
ItemHeaderIconColor Gets or sets the color all tab items use to paint its header icons.
ItemHeaderIconPosition Gets or sets the position of the header icons relative to the headers’ text.
ItemHeaderIconSpacing Gets or sets spacing between the icon and the text of a header item.
ItemHeaderMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
ItemHeaderMaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
ItemHeaderMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Left or Right.
ItemHeaderMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
ItemHeaderPadding Gets or sets the inner padding of header items.
ItemHeaderPlacementOnSelection Gets or sets a value that specifies how the TabView positions newly selected items.
ItemHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template the Tab View uses to generate tab items’ headers from the ItemsSource.
ItemHeaderTextColor Gets or sets the color tab items use to paint their texts when items are in the default state.
ItemHeaderVisibleElements Gets or sets a value that specifies elements the item header shows.
ItemHeaderWidth Gets or sets the width of header items when HeaderPanelPosition is set to Top or Bottom.
Items Gets or sets the list of tab items the Tab View displays.
ItemsSource Gets or sets a collection used to generate the Tab View’s tab items.
ItemTemplate Gets or sets the template the Tab View uses to generate tab items’ content from the ItemsSource.
ScrollAnimationEnabled Gets or sets whether the Tab View animates transition between two tab items.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the currently selected item.
SelectedItemHeaderBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of tab item headers in the selected state.
SelectedItemHeaderIconColor Gets or sets the color tab item headers in the selected state use to paint icons.
SelectedItemHeaderTextColor Gets or sets the color tab item headers in the selected state use to paint icons.
SelectedItemIndex Gets or sets the index of the currently selected item.
SelectedItemIndicatorColor Gets or sets the color of the Selected Item Indicator.
SelectedItemIndicatorHeight Gets or sets the height of the Selected Item Indicator.
SwipeEnabled Gets or sets whether swipes over the content area switch tab items.


See Also