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SelectableChipGroup Events
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A base class for chip groups that allow users to select (check) single or multiple chips.
Name Description
ChipDoubleTap Fires when a user double-taps a chip in this group. Inherited from ChipGroup.
ChipGeneration Fires before a chip is generated based on the bound view model and allows you to customize the chip. Inherited from ChipGroup.
ChipLongPress Fires when a user taps and holds a chip in this group. Inherited from ChipGroup.
ChipRemoveIconClicked Fires when a user clicks the Remove icon in a chip in this group. Inherited from ChipGroup.
ChipTap Fires when a user taps a chip in this group. Inherited from ChipGroup.
SelectionChanged Fires when a user (un)selects a chip in this group.
See Also