InputChipGroup Fields
A chip group that allows users to input a new chip.Name | Description |
BoxModeProperty static | Identifies the BoxMode dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipBackgroundColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipBorderColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipBorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the ChipBorderThickness dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipCheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipCheckIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipCheckIconProperty static | Identifies the ChipCheckIcon dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipCornerRadiusProperty static | Identifies the ChipCornerRadius dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledBackgroundColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledBorderColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledCheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledCheckIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDisabledTextColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipDisabledTextColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipDoubleTapCommandProperty static | Identifies the ChipDoubleTapCommand dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the ChipFontAttributes dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the ChipFontFamily dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the ChipFontSize dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipIconIndentProperty static | Identifies the ChipIconIndent dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipIconSizeProperty static | Identifies the ChipIconSize dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipIsIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the ChipIsIconVisible dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipLongPressCommandProperty static | Identifies the ChipLongPressCommand dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPaddingProperty static | Identifies the ChipPadding dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedBackgroundColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedBorderColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedCheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedCheckIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedRemoveIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipPressedTextColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipPressedTextColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipRemoveIconClickedCommandProperty static | Identifies the ChipRemoveIconClickedCommand dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipRemoveIconColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipRemoveIconProperty static | Identifies the ChipRemoveIcon dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipRoundedIconProperty static | Identifies the ChipRoundedIcon dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipTapCommandProperty static | Identifies the ChipTapCommand dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipTextColorProperty static | Identifies the ChipTextColor dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ChipUseRippleEffectProperty static | Identifies the ChipUseRippleEffect dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ClearEditorTextOnCompletionProperty static | Identifies the ClearEditorTextOnCompletion dependency property. |
DisplayMemberProperty static | Identifies the DisplayMember dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
EditorBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the EditorBorderColor dependency property. |
EditorBorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the EditorBorderThickness dependency property. |
EditorCursorColorProperty static | Identifies the EditorCursorColor dependency property. |
EditorFocusedBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the EditorFocusedBorderColor dependency property. |
EditorFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the EditorFontAttributes dependency property. |
EditorFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the EditorFontFamily dependency property. |
EditorFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the EditorFontSize dependency property. |
EditorMinimumHeightProperty static | Identifies the EditorMinimumHeight dependency property. |
EditorMinimumWidthProperty static | Identifies the EditorMinimumWidth dependency property. |
EditorPlaceholderTextProperty static | Identifies the EditorPlaceholderText dependency property. |
EditorTextColorProperty static | Identifies the EditorTextColor dependency property. |
EditorTextProperty static | Identifies the EditorText dependency property. |
HorizontalSpacingProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalSpacing dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
IconMemberProperty static | Identifies the IconMember dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
IsMultilineProperty static | Identifies the IsMultiline dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
IsScrollBarVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsScrollBarVisible dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
ItemsSourceProperty static | Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
PaddingProperty static | Identifies the Padding dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
VerticalSpacingProperty static | Identifies the VerticalSpacing dependency property. Inherited from ChipGroup. |
See Also